The Order: 1886 Thoughts, Comments, Discussion Thread

Stephen Bitto

Staff member
PlayStation Faithful!

The Order: 1886 is coming out tomorrow and I wanted to start a thread for everyone to share their experiences with the game. I was lucky enough to take advantage of a pricing glitch at Best Buy that allowed me to preorder the Collector's Edition for regular price so I will be picking that up after work. If my luck persists, I will be able to get a few hours of gaming in after my girlfriend falls asleep! :p

Anywho, I invite you all to post your thoughts, good or bad, in this thread during and after your playthrough of The Order.

PS: Like it or hate it, let's keep it civil! ;)
I'm loving it and I would like to add that I just realized Sir Perceval is voiced by Lazarevich himself, Graham motherfuckin McTavish. This guy is amazing in everything I've seen or heard him in. He's Cutter, and Lazarevich in Uncharted 2 and 3, he was Novakovich in 24 season 8, had a very small part on Lost, and he's in the Hobbit. I'm probably forgetting a lot of other stuff he's done too.
I was lucky enough to take advantage of a pricing glitch at Best Buy that allowed me to preorder the Collector's Edition for regular price so I will be picking that up after work.
I was one of those people too!

I am not far into the game yet, but nothing so far has stood out to me as anything but interesting.
The whole waterboarding session at the beginning of the game really had me excited. I hope that there are more instances like that in the game. That basically made Galahad solidify himself as a Victorian Kratos.
Already got the plat. Its a very good game. Addiction. I Recommend it.

I need to platinum that too. I haven't platinumed anything it awhile. I tried to get the plat in Stick of Truth but I somehow missed an item at the very beginning and couldn't go back and get it. I'm so close, I should go back and get that one of these days...

I think my last one was Second Son, maybe?
I am almost done the main story I think.... that being said it is a fantastic game, I am shocked at how many big media reviews got this game so very very wrong... brilliant game, very fun, much longer than what any of them said...

That said I am excited to see where this game goes from here... I am sold and would buy a 2nd game in the series if they make it into one.
I am almost done the main story I think.... that being said it is a fantastic game, I am shocked at how many big media reviews got this game so very very wrong... brilliant game, very fun, much longer than what any of them said...

That said I am excited to see where this game goes from here... I am sold and would buy a 2nd game in the series if they make it into one.

I'm most surprised that length is the biggest complaint. I felt like the pacing early was a little off but it evened out around Chapter 4 or 5.

Overall, I would say the little things were what need improving. Areas where you can't jog or move quickly drive me crazy. There should be more picking up and crafting like in The Last of Us. Even if it was simple, it would add depth. Is it just me or are the guys with shotguns extremely aggressive?

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