The Greatest Argument in the history of Arguments


PSLS Level: Bronze
So on one of the articles to the site I got into a disagreement with a user known as CrownRoyal52. Basically it started with me questioning him on not engaging in an argument with another user, instead opting to insult him with a throwaway remark and then somehow it went sideways into an argument about how he doesn't have to argue with me or validate his points.

I'm not the type to troll and I want to express that I'm not trying to harass the guy (If anyone at PSLS thinks I am, I'll stop immediately) but this is hilarious. Are we actually arguing about arguing? This is like the beginning of a Monty Python sketch!

Take a look for yourself.

Argument1.jpg Argument2.jpg Argument3.jpg Argument4.jpg

(I'd put the second argument on the same article but I don't want to make this thread too big). I'm not going to argue whether I'm in the right because this isn't the reason I posted it here not that I'm not open to it since I'd be kind of a hypocrite if I wasn't. The thing is if we're not open to arguing why we're agree or disagree with something then our opinion isn't worth much. There's no use saying "I disagree with this" if you are then not willing to tell someone why. The thing is I just don't get why someone would argue so long just to prove they weren't willing to not argue with someone when they could have just walked away.

Again I'm only continuing this argument because I'm bored and curious as to how long it'll last but if any of the staff think I'm in the wrong or that what I'm doing is technically bullying/harassing then I'll agree to stop. I'm just curious as to how an argument like this happens and I want to see how it'll end. (Hopefully without Crownroyal threatening to kill me and being placed in jail or me being banned for bullying someone which AGAIN. Not my intention but I'll stop if it comes off looking like that)
well for as long as I have been on this site, I have never seen you troll anyone. the only true troll I have ever come across on psls that played the part in every way was shadowrunner
but our current local ones are just as much of a nuisance. but at least he made sense every now and then.
as for your argument with crown, I remember that actually. it was quite amusing to read for some reason.
I've seen far worse arguments than this one. As far as this part of the argument, there were no personal attacks, no insulting each others mothers or sexual preference etc. so I think your safe. I do think many of these types of arguments are born out of pure boredom. I personally don't get into them though.

Usually by the third reply, I just walk away (figuratively speaking of course) and get on with my life. I have better things to do than bandy words in pointless arguments with the mental midgets of the internet. I'm one of those people who doesn't need to "win" an argument, mostly because I'm also one of those people who doesn't care too much about others people's opinions of me or my opinions.

He does use "LOL" a lot though. Those annoy me for some reason. In fact. I think the only lol I've ever used on PSLS was with Jacky's response to Dan Martinez. One of the rare instances that truly deserved one.
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I've seen far worse arguments than this one. As far as this part of the argument, there were no personal attacks, no insulting each others mothers or sexual preference etc. so I think your safe. I do think many of these types of arguments are born out of pure boredom. I personally don't get into them though.

Usually by the third reply, I just walk away (figuratively speaking of course) and get on with my life. I have better things to do than bandy words in pointless arguments with the mental midgets of the internet. I'm one of those people who doesn't need to "win" an argument, mostly because I'm also one of those people who doesn't care too much about others people's opinions of me or my opinions.

He does use "LOL" a lot though. Those annoy me for some reason. In fact. I think the only lol I've ever used on PSLS was with Jacky's response to Dan Martinez. One of the rare instances that truly deserved one.
I like to interject sometimes with "lolwut" or "lulz" every now and then. Some things that happen in comment threads are so ridiculous that I cannot come up with better reactions.
Good. I guess I can be a little paranoid at time, not sure why I'm only now seeing that as a serious problem.

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