The Epitaph of E3 2014


PSLS Level: Silver
Everything Vita
While E3 and the following PR was a complete disaster, we did get to see some new gameplay footage for some titles.

Some things for 2015 were shown, some 2014 titles got revealed and new footage.

Ratchet & Clank HD Collection, Entwined, Not A Hero, Broforce, Titan Souls, Grim Fandango, Tetris Ultimate, MilitAnt, Disney Infinity 2.0, La-Mulana, MonsterBag, MotoGP 14, Tales from the Borderlands, Akiba'S Trip: Undead & Undressed, BigFest, Counter Spy, Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair, Disgaea 4: A Promise Revisited, FlyHunter Origins, Don't Starve: Giant Edition, Gravity Crash Ultra, Freedom Wars, Oreshika: Tainted Bloodlines, Fat Princess: A Piece of Cake, Gunship X, Home, Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA F 2nd, Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number, Hyper Light Drifter, Reaper, Legend of Raven, Invizimals: The Alliance, Metrico, Murasaki Baby, Citizens of Earth, One Way Trip, Race the Sun, Rogue Legacy, Super Exploding Zoo, To Leave, Switch Galaxy Ultra, Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment, Minecraft.

These all had some info come out during the week of E3, had official announcements, or were playable on the E3 floor. There is no denying how crushing news like Type0's mind f*** of an announcement or SCE's view of the Vita. However there are some good and great (and poor) games coming to the Vita still.

There are many games I'm looking forward too, which games of E3 are you interested in playing?

Ratchet Collection, Disney Infinity (I passed last year BECAUSE of no Vita version..), Akiba's Trip, Disgaea 4, Danganronpa 2, Don't Starve, Oreshika, Hotline Miami 2, Minecraft, BigFest, Freedom Wars & Sword Art Online.

These are some of the games I'm looking forward too. I hope gamescom gives us plenty of news on announcements and localizations.
I'm all over Ratchet and Clank (where is the release date for the US?!), Sword Art online, Freedom Wars, and Danganronpa 2. I'm more optimistic than most for the vita, so I'm loving the upcoming games.
Ratchet is only said for a July release. The rest of the HD collections have received a retail release so I'd expect an announcement/amazon listing soonish. EU is July 2nd, so it'll probably be July 30th lol.

I wouldn't say I'm optimistic about the Vita.. more... realistic? I hope SCEJA at least gives us Gravity Rush 2 as a swan song. If we get a constant influx of Japanese localizations and indie titles to fill the gaps I'll be content with what we have. Would I like more? Absolutely. I just don't expect it.
Since SCEE confirmed that the Vita is dead to them (seriously, they only brought out Killzone: Mercenary, Wipeout, and LBP, I think?), I'm hoping for some off-the-charts PS4 announcements at Gamescom this year, and some with luck maybe we'll catch a glimpse of something good at TGS in September for Vita.

For E3 games, I'm actually looking forward to No Man's Sky, Bloodborne, LBP3, ABZU, Far Cry 4, Destiny, and some of Brohei's Bro games. Dragon Age: Inquisition, Assassin's Creed: Unity, and Rise of the Tomb Raider look okay, too. The only games that I'll probably pre-order from E3 are Bloodborne, LBP3, and some wildcard like The Assembly. I would pre-order No Man's Sky, but I don't foresee it being available for pre-order anywhere.
There is def. hope out there for the Vita as long as publishers continue to bring over games from the Japanese market, it is just hard to see that in the wake of comments made by Sony. It also doesn't help that the list of games you mentioned don't inspire much hope from me..

Akiba's Trip, Freedom Wars, Oreshika: Tainted Bloodlines, and Fat Princess: A Piece of Cake. That's really about it for games on the list that I want to play and really, only Akiba and Freedom Wars truly get me excited. The other two I am just kind of interested in reviewing but likely wouldn't buy.

I would say D4, but I already played it on PS3 and have no interest in revisiting it.
I wouldn't call e3 a disaster it had alot of games announced. However i'm looking forward to the tokyo game show more then anything else. Gamescom, meh i've never really been impressed by their announcements. But i've ialways liked e3 and the tgs alot more.

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