The Elder Scrolls Online - Official PSLS Guild [Join Inside]

Dan Oravasaari

PSLS Level: Bronze
Staff member
Hey Everyone!

With the launch of The Elder Scrolls Online on consoles, we thought it would be a good idea to try and get everyone together. So, we launched an Official PlayStation LifeStyle Guild and want you guys to be a part of it. We are currently working on getting a guild store, since we already have a number of crafters already working tirelessly to get ready to make some amazing gear.

Guild Name
PlayStation LifeStyle

North American Mega Server

Any - A number of us are on Daggerfall Covenant though

Guild Master
Foolsjoker (Dan Oravasaari)

PlayStation 4​

To join the Official PlayStation LifeStyle guild, all you have to do is leave your Player ID (PSN Name) below or send me a PM and I will send you an invite. If you are already part of a guild, that is fine, you can join up to 5 guilds! See you guys in Tamriel.
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I will be away at E3 between June 14th - 19th, so if you don't get an invite right away, rest assured one will be coming soon.
I don't think you have to be part of the same faction either, so you are welcome to join even if you are in another faction, though we may think you're a dirty rotten communist bastard for being on an opposing force. Totally kidding! All are welcome!
Sure, I play on and off, mostly off atm with heavensward out. Psn is of course cloudstrife768. I'm also on both your chandlers friends lists
Invites have been sent. If you guys have friends that want on as well, feel free to leave their PSN IDs (User ID). I want to make sure that we bring the PSLS community together, as much as possible.
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