Test Post

It works! I can't upload an avatar yet, but it's a good start. I like that the theme matches the site so well. I think Sebastian has some critiques.
What what! Yeah I selected a file but it said "no file chosen" after the file selection window closed. Probably a permissions issue or something. Anyway this looks nice, it feels good to have the forums back! :)
Yeah having the same issue with avatars and such. Hopefully it is an easy permissions fix once I am able to get access to the ACP. Then I will also be setting up the layout of the forums. Can't wait!
Finally got access. Though things are still not showing up correctly in some areas.

- The links at the bottom for social media aren't showing the images correctly
- The options aren't showing while typing a reply (bold, italic, alignment, etc.) The buttons are there, but aren't displaying
- No avatars are able to be uploaded to the forums
Testing the discombobulator of the discombobulates, rendering the transmogrifier and calculating the gravitation of the gravatar.
I don't like this "circular" avatar thing, there's an option in the skin options (I recognize the skin) to turn it into a square. Please do so.

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