Star Wars Battlefront refund


PSLS Level: Bronze
I am not sure how anyone else feels about this game, but I feel as though this game is not worth the $60 I spent on it. The game is lacking crucial features that are essential to any shooter. Party play is solely reliant on the chat party system on the PS4 and there is no way to play 20 player game modes with a full party since 8 is the max players allowed in the party. I have played numerous games now with nobody on the other team and get an automatic win. As much as I enjoy getting a free win, it has gotten to the point where it is more laughable that the matchmaking is that fucked. Electronic Arts and DICE need to be held accountable for the lack of effort they put in developing this game. I have tried to contact both of these companies about a refund, to no avail. I have only owned this game since December 17th and by my own fault, bought it digitally, so I cannot even resell it. This is the second game I have bought from DICE and EA, Battlefield 4 being the other, that I feel I deserve a full refund for being swindled. Now I completely understand why they have been voted the worst company in the past. Electronic Arts cares nothing about the end product and only about their profit shares. They are shameless in terms of the quality of the product they turn out. We as gamers need to stand up and make it so these sort of companies stop raking in profits for a half assed developed game. Please let me know if anyone feels the same as I do.
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Honestly, you should have read reviews and not bought it.

The lack of depth is well documented and, as a consumer, the best way to voice your opinion would have been to not buy the game or purchase it used.
Honestly, you should have read reviews and not bought it.

The lack of depth is well documented and, as a consumer, the best way to voice your opinion would have been to not buy the game or purchase it used.
I did read reviews and knew it was lacking in game content. No reviews mentioned anything about the lack of party options. There isn't even chat if I am playing alone with randoms online. There is no way to report people for cheating or lagging. I can't even see what other people's connections are. I am not upset about the lack of content, I am upset it is missing basic features that any shooter should have. I doubt there is any plan to implement any of those features either.
I did read reviews and knew it was lacking in game content. No reviews mentioned anything about the lack of party options. There isn't even chat if I am playing alone with randoms online. There is no way to report people for cheating or lagging. I can't even see what other people's connections are. I am not upset about the lack of content, I am upset it is missing basic features that any shooter should have. I doubt there is any plan to implement any of those features either.

The lack of chat was documented and a major complaint for fans. Sorry to hear you were so disappointed though.

Perhaps wait longer to purchase especially with online-centric titles.
how are people cheating? Reporting someone for lagging is questionable. Sometimes you don't know someone is watching Netflix and suddenly you are lagging and not really noticing that you are lagging a ton.

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