Spotify Playlists


PSLS Level: Bronze
With the introduction of Spotify to PSN, listening to music while playing some of my favorite games is a blast.
The thing is, some music doesn't go with some games.

Do you guys have any special playlist-game pairings yet?
Share them here!

Would love to hear people's music choices.
I don't have any playlists yet but I will say I really like this addition to the PSN. It functions extremely well and has a fairly decent selection of music.
I don't have any playlists yet but I will say I really like this addition to the PSN. It functions extremely well and has a fairly decent selection of music.

Spotify is fantastic. And the implementation into the ps4 is great.
I'm so happy.
I'm all for this, but doesn't it sort of defeat the purpose of Sony's Music Unlimited service? Lol. Aside from the commercials if you don't pay for Spotify, that is.

I don't really do the whole Playlist thing these days, but rather just throw on a full album by someone or other. Whoever I'm in the mood for at the time, even if it doesn't necessarily match up with the pacing of the game I'm playing. When I tested out the Spotify PS4 app, I think I was listening to Poets of the Fall's Jealous Gods (album) while playing Warframe.
Anyone know how to create a radio station based on a song in Spotify for PS4? There was this bitchin New Wave channel on Music Unlimited, but I have a lot of trouble finding something so fitting on Spotify.

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