SPOILER - Fetch Story retcon in Infamous First Light


PSLS Level: Newbie
In Infamous Second Son we was told that, Fetch killed her brother because, he had stolen her drugs but, in Infamous First Light they change the story so, Fetch kill him by accident due to been drug by Shane.
You're right! Hmm, maybe it can be excused by basically saying that Fetch wasn't being completely honest about the situation? If you boil it down, Brent was trying to stop her, got caught up in all that bad stuff, then in the end he was attempting to bring her down off of her high and she kills him. So kinda the same in a roundabout way.
You could take it the way that Fetch really isn't 100 percent sure about the events that happened.. She was after all on drugs.
In Infamous Second Son we was told that, Fetch killed her brother because, he had stolen her drugs but, in Infamous First Light they change the story so, Fetch kill him by accident due to been drug by Shane.
It could also be that she has internal conflict where she sees herself as more of a villain than she actually is. She killed him by accident, but she internalizes it as what she actually wanted to do, and won't say it's her fault.

I don't know if different interpretation of events means that they changed the story. People's first hand accounts are often wrong.

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