Signature Of The Month Competition


PSLS Level: Silver
Would anyone be interested in participating in this? Just wondering if we have any people that love to create signatures. You would receive a custom "Banner" next to your username and everything for that month.
Probably no way I'm going to win with the banner I made in 10 minutes like 10 years ago.


It is all mine though. :p
@D'yani might have some fun creating signatures. She's the one that does most all of the header images for Morning Wood. If you see a shitty one, that was probably one that I did...
All I remember is that BigPete is probably the best signature maker I've known. Always sleek, dark, cool looking stuff.
You can always learn. Just takes time and patience. It took me a long time to get as good as I am at making signatures.

true, the only way to truly learn anything is through trial and error right, well that is unless a manual is involved.
true, the only way to truly learn anything is through trial and error right, well that is unless a manual is involved.
Well you can learn different things by reading different tutorials and developing your own style for signatures.
I might be interested in reinstalling photoshop, finding my 500 different fonts and such, then giving this a shot. Been about 4 years since I touched PS though..
Well i might as well join this contest. i wish i know many things about editing stock photos.
One of my favorite Kaz gif, which is great because I have every Sony and Nintendo console, so while I'm a Sony fanboy, I don't mind when Reggie watches ;)

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