Robocop [2014] Remake @IMAX


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Got free pre-release passes to see it at the IMAX and I was really impressed. Forget what you know about the original, this was more of a reboot than a remake.
Yeah but how does it compare to the original though? I remember when the first came out it was Rated R. The original was gritty, and he was brutal at times. That's what made the original awesome. This new Robocop title is PG-13 I believe. I worry that it will be watered down when compared.
What was rated R back then is pretty much rated PG now.

The remake is just as violent, but the story follows a different arc. It's almost a brand new movie, hence the reboot comment from before.
What was rated R back then is pretty much rated PG now.

The remake is just as violent, but the story follows a different arc. It's almost a brand new movie, hence the reboot comment from before.
I see. But yes I do agree on the ratings changing. So you don't think it lost any of its charm. I am a huge fan of the original Robocop movies, plus it has Samuel L. Jackson. So that makes it awesome by default.
I'm a big fan of the original as well and I enjoyed this one just as much. It fely more up to date and the quality of the special effects were much better. The story line was different, but the underlying humanity still makes its way through the robotic elements of Robocop, even when it was being suppressed.

I think that was the main point of both movies. You can turn a man into a robot, but there will always be a human lurking somewhere underneath.
Well that makes me glad to hear that some of the original message of the movie was carried over into the remake. From what you've said about it has me interested. Judging from the trailers I have seen the movie seems to be good. I was just worried it lost some of that charm that made the first one great, glad to see that is not the case.
I am still very timid to see it. I have good memories of the original movie and don't want those to get ruined.
why does Hollywood feel like they need to constantly reboot or remake movies and tv shows. they destroy our childhood memories by making movies and shows out of our favorite cartoons and comics.
why does Hollywood feel like they need to constantly reboot or remake movies and tv shows. they destroy our childhood memories by making movies and shows out of our favorite cartoons and comics.
Did you not care for it?
I just don't get why Hollywood thinks they need to redo and reboot everything.
Most likely ran out of ideas honestly. Have you never wanted to see some of the classics you grew up with a different vision and updated look. I think that's why so many people by the reboots and remakes of games, and ask for titles like Final Fantasy VII to be remade or updated to more current graphics.
Most likely ran out of ideas honestly. Have you never wanted to see some of the classics you grew up with a different vision and updated look. I think that's why so many people by the reboots and remakes of games, and ask for titles like Final Fantasy VII to be remade or updated to more current graphics.


you can never replace a classic, in my opinion.
why does Hollywood feel like they need to constantly reboot or remake movies and tv shows. they destroy our childhood memories by making movies and shows out of our favorite cartoons and comics.
Because, whether a lot of us like it or not, it sells. A lot of people I know say they hate a movie like Transformers and then still see each one.

I think it has to do with money really. Movies are failing more and more, especially tent-pole films. I buy into what Speilberg and Lucas said a couple years ago.

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