Questions about playing imports.


PSLS Level: Bronze
Hey everyone,
So with the release of the new Dragon Quest coming up, I really am considering getting it. I have never played imports before so this will be a first. A few websites have mentioned learning kanji to be able to help interpret the dialogue, now personally I'd have no problem with learning that but I don't have the time to dedicate to it. My first question; Is there any website out there that possibly has the dialogue translated to English? And my second; If absolutely necessary, can anyone recommend a website to learn kanji? Thanks in advance :D
I just did a long search. It seems that nobody is trying to translate the game into English at the moment, which is a shame.

For learning kanji, I saw this website recently. It seems to be a great source for finding what you need. You will obviously have to invest some time into learning the language, but don't sweat it. If you are having fun with it, then you will do well. Time will not even matter if you decide that you really enjoy learning the language.
Same games are a cake walk very easy to figure out without having to mnow the language, there will always be a translated version of the manual, trophy list, etc... Out on the net, you just have to look for them. Setimes it takes awhile sometimes it doesn't.
Never be afraid of the language barrier and as it is, kanji does not always make up a whole sentence. It's quite often mixed with other forms of character writing. Tonlearn kanji only would be a mistake. The button layout for games is no different then ours really. So never feel intimidated by imports. I own a bunch and find them very easy to play.

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