PSHome comes to PS4 via Morpheus!


PSLS Level: Newbie
They can recreate almost anything on such a platform. Cities, Planets, Malls...Etc.. Eventually a PS4 may not even be required. Any thoughts on this possibility and the implication? I have a strong feeling that this is coming.
I like it. Feel like it would be the perfect way to introduce it to the PS4 and make Home more relevant. Only problem is the trolling, but also a key feature is how YOU look, and you can't really see yourself in VR.
This might be pretty cool on the Morpheus. I could see it being pretty damn big if they plan it out right for the headset.
I like it. Feel like it would be the perfect way to introduce it to the PS4 and make Home more relevant. Only problem is the trolling, but also a key feature is how YOU look, and you can't really see yourself in VR.
Then you would have to buy a mirror for your Home! :-D
I like it. Feel like it would be the perfect way to introduce it to the PS4 and make Home more relevant. Only problem is the trolling, but also a key feature is how YOU look, and you can't really see yourself in VR.

I'd hope they would be wise enough to let us merely look down at our bodies. It's time the games that utilize the FPP to show us our feet when we look down. And the aforementioned mirror would be great.

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