Ps4 save data transfer


PSLS Level: Bronze
Hello all, I just ordered a new 7200rpm 1 TB hard drive for my ps4. Does anyone know if i get a external hard drive enclosure for my existing hard drive, if i can transfer my save data direct from that? Or do I need to back it up another way before I switch out hard drives? To my understanding you can't transfer actual game downloadshard drive to hard drive...
Yea, I checked that out, didn't really answer my question. I did call Sony and ask, the lady told me i could do it that way, but I wasn't too confident after the call. I bought a 16gb flash to back up my save data just in case what I want to try doesn't work. I will post here whether or not it works, mid next week. Thanks for your input!
Yea, I checked that out, didn't really answer my question. I did call Sony and ask, the lady told me i could do it that way, but I wasn't too confident after the call. I bought a 16gb flash to back up my save data just in case what I want to try doesn't work. I will post here whether or not it works, mid next week. Thanks for your input!
Thanks! I'm sure more people have the same issue so that will help a lot!
Ok, the ps4 didn't recognize the usb device when I plugged in the extrrnal hard drive containing the 500gb ps4 hard drive. So, could not restore everything that way. However, I did back my save data up on a 16gb flash, and that worked just fine! I had a feeling the lady I talked to at Sony didn't know what she was talking about. Hour this info helps anyone else upgrading!
Ok, the ps4 didn't recognize the usb device when I plugged in the extrrnal hard drive containing the 500gb ps4 hard drive. So, could not restore everything that way. However, I did back my save data up on a 16gb flash, and that worked just fine! I had a feeling the lady I talked to at Sony didn't know what she was talking about. Hour this info helps anyone else upgrading!

Definitely! Thanks for being a PSLS guinea pig!

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