PS Vita Screenshot Thread

Thanks! That Lightning Dodge wasn't too bad once you have the crater loop down. I missed 1 al bhed primer in Home other wise I'd have it earlier
Man, you guys are nuts. I don't think I even pressed the dodge button one single time in my playthrough, haha.
I was just like "ain't got this in me, boys" and never looked back.
Grats on sticking with it. You dudes have massive patience and determination.
there is a trick to have you set off the lightning so it never comes at you unexpected. Since you're in control of it basically it isn't too difficult.

We really should've made a topic just for FFX discussions lol
Man, you guys are nuts. I don't think I even pressed the dodge button one single time in my playthrough, haha.
I was just like "ain't got this in me, boys" and never looked back.
Grats on sticking with it. You dudes have massive patience and determination.
I promise, I was very discouraged in the beginning. The Vita version seems to have a delay that I didn't remember from the PS2 version. Actually, I remember promising myself that I wouldn't ever do it again whenever I played this back in middle school. Pen me a liar!
I love how I can't understand any of the Japanese writing. Get to the bottom and there are letters I understand! 'CERO A!'
I love how I can't understand any of the Japanese writing. Get to the bottom and there are letters I understand! 'CERO A!'
Well some of them are written in English ^^;;
1st image, left to right: Hatsune Miku Project Diva F, Wipeout 2048, Marvel v Capcom 3, BlazBlue, Persona 4, Shinobido 2, Gravity Rush, Katamari, Hot Shots Golf 6, Time Travelers, Senran Kagura, Soul Sacrifice Japanese, Soul Sacrifice English, Unit 13.

2nd image, left to right: Puyo Puyo Tetris (2 copies), Sonic Racing Transformed, Hatsune Miku PDF 2, Uta Kumi 575, Final Fantasy X-2, Final Fantasy X.
Well some of them are written in English ^^;;
1st image, left to right: Hatsune Miku Project Diva F, Wipeout 2048, Marvel v Capcom 3, BlazBlue, Persona 4, Shinobido 2, Gravity Rush, Katamari, Hot Shots Golf 6, Time Travelers, Senran Kagura, Soul Sacrifice Japanese, Soul Sacrifice English, Unit 13.

2nd image, left to right: Puyo Puyo Tetris (2 copies), Sonic Racing Transformed, Hatsune Miku PDF 2, Uta Kumi 575, Final Fantasy X-2, Final Fantasy X.
Touch My Katamari was the biggest Vita disappointment for me. I love the Katamari series, and this game brought some good innovations for use with the Vita's touchscreen / touchpad. Still, the game was handled cheaply and felt rushed. :(

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