Poll Analog Sticks Positioning: Parallel and Off-set

Analog Sticks Parallel or Off-set or Other

  • Other: Arcade Style

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PSLS Level: Bronze
I have been curious about this for a very long time every since the original xbox came out. I personally prefer the classic DualShock parallel stick layout. I have tried the off-set controllers in the past but they didn't feel right to me however over last 13 years the Xbox analog style controllers have become extremely popular. So the question I would like to ask everyone who comes to this thread is which style of the controllers do you all feel is more conferrable?
I think the Xbox style is better for heavy analog use, simply because it is in a more relaxed position. But, it is TERRIBLE for d-pad usage, since the awkward angle works against the design. The DualShock is the best compromise in my opinion. The d-pad is in the perfect spot for me (I prefer d-pad over analog) and the analog is still usable from the parallel position.
When i think of the xbox controller it seems to me like deaigned more for fps usage, and nothing else.
The only reason I didn't pick up a PS3 sooner was because of the controller. I hated the analog sticks for shooters. The way I setup my thumbs on the sticks, they would always rub together. It annoyed the hell out of me to where I was able to play about 3 minutes of a mp match before quitting. I haven't had a chance to play with the DS4 in shooters all that much but I still prefer the offset. I can't remember the last time I used the d-pad for anything other than a quick select.
When I play offset analogs, I always twist my hands so that they end up parallel and the controller is twisted. I can't stand offset analogs, and as such I have been absolutely loving Sony's controllers.
The only reason I didn't pick up a PS3 sooner was because of the controller. I hated the analog sticks for shooters. The way I setup my thumbs on the sticks, they would always rub together. It annoyed the hell out of me to where I was able to play about 3 minutes of a mp match before quitting. I haven't had a chance to play with the DS4 in shooters all that much but I still prefer the offset. I can't remember the last time I used the d-pad for anything other than a quick select.
Maybe I just play games wrong but I use the tips of my fingers to control the analog. No idea how you're doing what you claim you're doing.
I'm pretty much used to all 3 versions. There are things I like about each controller, so none of them are completely perfect.
To me it doesn't matter at all. Either way, you have to move your thumb do the d-pad or the face buttons. The placement of the analogs has only ever been a cosmetic issue to me. Same mechanics, just different spots. None of the FPS excuses fly with me at all. That has more to do with deadzones than analog placement.

To sum up, the placement of the analogs are completely arbitrary to me. They function exactly the same way no matter what anyone says.

Maybe I just play games wrong but I use the tips of my fingers to control the analog. No idea how you're doing what you claim you're doing.

Exactly. I always use the pads of my thumbs on the sticks, not the middle or base. I never once had my thumbs rub together on the Dual Shock 3.
I actually prefer the Xbox 360 controller over the Dualshock 3. But the Dualshock 4 controller over the Xbox One controller. Position of the analog stick means nothing to me, either way is fine honestly. I have big hands, and care more about the comfort of the controller.
Maybe I just play games wrong but I use the tips of my fingers to control the analog. No idea how you're doing what you claim you're doing.
It's less about playing them correctly or incorrectly and more about playing comfortably. If I could hold a controller and take a picture for reference, I would give you a reference of my placement with the sticks. I'm not able to play with the tips of my thumbs because I don't feel its as smooth a transition going quickly from stick to buttons. The way I play is with a good majority of my thumb on the stick

When I play games that require me to control the camera as well as the character, I play "twitchy." I'm constantly moving my character and the camera so I can take in as much of the environment as quickly as possible. And because of this, my thumbs are constantly bumping into each other.

As @Jacky stated earlier, it's mainly a shooter issue. If you don't play shooters aren't a genre you frequent, it's pretty much a nonissue. Being that I played a ton of shooters last gen, I've adopted the play style that best suited it.
I personally can't stand the offset layout.

Other than that I actually like the Xbox controller.

Though the thumbsticks on the Xbone controller are GARBAGE. They're tiny little nubs. Even the Vita thumbsticks feel comfortable in comparison somehow. Can't stand the thumbsticks on the Xbone controller and I'm not the only one. I've seen countless youtube videos from the channels I follow complaining about it.
I prefer the offset design of the 360 and I actually use a 360 style controller on PS3 but I do like the feel of the DS4. Oddly enough though, Im not really feeling the new XB1 controller.

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