PlayStation Home Getting Trophies

A little late to the party they are.

I was HUGE into Home pre-launch. I was a frequent visitor to the Official Home messageboards. In fact, it was there that I first heard of PSLS and added it to my RSS.

I uninstalled Home around 3 years ago, I'll take a look at the trophies but I really have almost zero interest in them.
A little late to the party they are.

I was HUGE into Home pre-launch. I was a frequent visitor to the Official Home messageboards. In fact, it was there that I first heard of PSLS and added it to my RSS.

I uninstalled Home around 3 years ago, I'll take a look at the trophies but I really have almost zero interest in them.
What made you lose interest in Home?
What made you lose interest in Home?
Basically how it delivered on none of it's promises, run like crap and was just full of people who saw female character and would follow them.

The trophy list is up and people are getting them, so I assume the update is live.
Not that impressed with the trophies. Was hoping for less 'play home everyday' trophies and more trophies for doing various activities such as playing games.
Basically how it delivered on none of it's promises, run like crap and was just full of people who saw female character and would follow them.

The trophy list is up and people are getting them, so I assume the update is live.
Not that impressed with the trophies. Was hoping for less 'play home everyday' trophies and more trophies for doing various activities such as playing games.
Yeah most of those trophies are crazy easy to get. They definitely could've done more with the trophy list.
I hope Home comes to PS4 and gets a facelift. It would be nice to bring a lot of the arcade-like games to fill in the gaps of PS4's lineup. Would also be cool to implement the share feature into the theater rooms, IMO
I hope Home comes to PS4 and gets a facelift. It would be nice to bring a lot of the arcade-like games to fill in the gaps of PS4's lineup. Would also be cool to implement the share feature into the theater rooms, IMO
While not a huge fan of Home, I definitely think that a lot of people would use it on the PS4, if it were to be released in the future.
Got all but two of the trophies in about an hour or so. The other two take 10 days and 50 days to earn.

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