PlayStation Home Getting Trophies


PSLS Level: Silver
Ummm, trophy whores will be happy. Will you try out PlayStation Home now?

Here is a screenshot confirming it via Twitter


Personally I will be willing to try out PS Home to see what the trophy requirements are, but I have never been that big into the "game" that it is. Also I think it would benefit them a ton if PS Home was brought to the PS4.
I have already spend plenty of late night hours in Home so I will go for the trophies for sure.
I've been on ps home tons of times, still go but to the japan one. they are nicer. what the hell could the trophies be? spend 100 dollars and 'ding' get a trophy?

trophy list:

get banned
spent money
spent insane amount of money
go on home
yell at troll
start fight with a troll
cuss someone out
make someone rage quit
rage quit

and many more.
I liked home for a small bit. I didn't care too much for it in the end though. I figured I would rather go out and actually play billiards and bowling. The virtual hangout just wasn't my thing. I'd rather get on a good game and PlayStation Party with a group of friends on my PS4. Nice that Hunters have trophies to chase in it though. But unless they actually enjoy Home, I wouldn't recommend it.
I liked home for a small bit. I didn't care too much for it in the end though. I figured I would rather go out and actually play billiards and bowling. The virtual hangout just wasn't my thing. I'd rather get on a good game and PlayStation Party with a group of friends on my PS4. Nice that Hunters have trophies to chase in it though. But unless they actually enjoy Home, I wouldn't recommend it.

I used to enjoy home but then so many damn trolls started showing up, starting fights, following you, some people treated it as a dating site (seriously -_- ), it just started to get weird and out of control. and that was the NA home.
I used to enjoy home but then so many damn trolls started showing up, starting fights, following you, some people treated it as a dating site (seriously -_- ), it just started to get weird and out of control. and that was the NA home.

Yea, when a massive wave of guys hitting on female avatars arrived, is about the time I bailed. Trying to remember what the featured game at the time was so I could give a guesstimation as to when that was.
or what they THOUGHT were females. lol

Indeed. I assumed 85% were not actually women.

There were some fun times though. I did love the lairs in Home. Or bases, whatever they were called. Last I recall, I had the Adventurer clothes on (mostly) and had the dragon lair as my base. Fun stuff.
Indeed. I assumed 85% were not actually women.

There were some fun times though. I did love the lairs in Home. Or bases, whatever they were called. Last I recall, I had the Adventurer clothes on (mostly) and had the dragon lair as my base. Fun stuff.

last time I was on, I was at the beach house, and I liked doing the "ddr dance offs" at the konami space. dunno why, but I thought it was funny as hell whenever the game would break and my friends who were playing would run around trapped on stage at the space.
I try home once a year and it lasts me about an hour, then I go back to gaming. I think trophy support will add a lot of appeal though.
I try home once a year and it lasts me about an hour, then I go back to gaming. I think trophy support will add a lot of appeal though.
I can see a lot of trophy whores supporting this. Not sure what the trophies will be difficulty wise though.
It would run about 100x better on the PS4. They could actually introduce higher quality games in there too. And perhaps finally get it out of the perpetual beta?

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