PlayStation Avatars


PSLS Level: Silver
Many people have asked as to why there aren't avatars available for purchase on either the PS4 or PS Vita. Well while browsing the PS Store earlier today (to purchase games on the Flash Sale for this weekend) I noticed that it said PS3 Avatars, which I really don't get. I've never noticed that before, so it looks like they are exclusive to the PS3 currently. It doesn't make sense as to why Sony wouldn't make it available on all platforms, along with maybe some platform exclusive avatars as well.



EDIT: After doing some more research, it may be up to the developer of the avatar as well. The Draw Slasher avatar is available on both the PS3 and the PS Vita. When in the browser version of the store on your PC, it asks you where you want to download it when clicking download.

I like having my PS3 still so I can change my avatar on my PS4 (to something other than the defaults) if I want to. I refuse to link my account to my facebook. I would like to be able to use a picture from facebook without it being my default profile picture, that way I could use whatever I want without it being my facebook profile picture.
Its also worth mentioning that we may be getting more options to avatars shortly.. Apparently in the last PS4 FW update there is an option to upload an image from the mobile PlayStation app. Saw it first on Reddit sometime last week:
Its also worth mentioning that we may be getting more options to avatars shortly.. Apparently in the last PS4 FW update there is an option to upload an image from the mobile PlayStation app. Saw it first on Reddit sometime last week:

That sounds pretty neat, i wonder what the options will be.

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