Playstation All Stars Round 2!

John j

PSLS Level: Newbie


Anyone else begging for this to be real!?
I'll go ahead and call bull on this one. The gif seems kinda... fidgety, and doesn't actually fit all that well together.
Use of Mog as the mascot? Not what I would consider a Playstation mascot.
Who's developing? Superbot is gone (not gone gone, but no longer with Sony).
The original game didn't sell well and only got decent reviews. Not sure Sony would want to invest more into the series.
And finally, offscreen at an angle. How all fakes are shot.

Wouldn't mind if it were real, but fakes are so easy.
I'll go ahead and call bull on this one. The gif seems kinda... fidgety, and doesn't actually fit all that well together.
Use of Mog as the mascot? Not what I would consider a Playstation mascot.
Who's developing? Superbot is gone (not gone gone, but no longer with Sony).
The original game didn't sell well and only got decent reviews. Not sure Sony would want to invest more into the series.
And finally, offscreen at an angle. How all fakes are shot.

Wouldn't mind if it were real, but fakes are so easy.

Agreed, i gotta call bull on this one too.
Fidgety as in recorded by a phone? Reasonable if it's a leak. Angle is always off whether it is real or fake, unless it was leaked from a digital format. The original game sold over a million copies, which combined with having the most active forum site on ps forums suggests a good fan base to make a sequel developed by Santa Monica as they did take over.

I do agree that the mog is weird. I would doubt that it would be the final box art as much as a trailer.

Other thoughts?
Fidgety as in recorded by a phone? Reasonable if it's a leak. Angle is always off whether it is real or fake, unless it was leaked from a digital format. The original game sold over a million copies, which combined with having the most active forum site on ps forums suggests a good fan base to make a sequel developed by Santa Monica as they did take over.

I do agree that the mog is weird. I would doubt that it would be the final box art as much as a trailer.

Other thoughts?

There's a difference between people who bought the game and people who liked it. Not alot of people liked it. Not saying that NOBODY liked it, but not alot of people liked it. There were alot of complaints about the first one and alot of gamers didn't like the character roster.
I recently got the first game and was quite surprised by it. Many people had such negative things to say about it at times, but I ended up enjoying it quite a bit. If there was a sequel, with a much improved roster of course (that was my only complaint personally), I would definitely give the game a look.
Fidgety as in recorded by a phone? Reasonable if it's a leak.
As in not all that smooth. Either there are framerate problems just bringing up the logo or it was hastily put together.

Angle is always off whether it is real or fake, unless it was leaked from a digital format.
There are quite frequent cases of a real leaks being shot straight on or at the very least level. When images are shot at a 30 degree angle it's usually a sign it's not legit and someone is trying to pass it off as a 'look what I took a picture of that I wasn't supposed to.'

The original game sold over a million copies, which combined with having the most active forum site on ps forums suggests a good fan base to make a sequel
It may have sold a million copies, but it frankly should have sold many more. People wanted and expected a SSB like game, they got something very different. It's quite evident that Sony considered the game a bust, having canceled a lot of the DLC planned. The 'most active' forum on the ps forums? I would beg to differ on that. While it may have an active community, that doesn't necessarily mean it has a large fan base.

developed by Santa Monica as they did take over.
I'de be suprised of Santa Monica was developing it, unless it's only in the early stages. They've been working on the next GoW game and another unannounced game which only recently got canceled. Santa Monica isn't the largest of studios and having the manpower for 3 games in development seems like it could be pushing it.

Since this was pested, someone on /v/ has claimed making these. Made up of not, still plenty of signs pointing that it's a fake.
The PS4 and PS3 logos don't even align. Considering E3 is less than a day away, there's really no reason to give any merit to "leaks" at this point in time.
I recently got the first game and was quite surprised by it. Many people had such negative things to say about it at times, but I ended up enjoying it quite a bit. If there was a sequel, with a much improved roster of course (that was my only complaint personally), I would definitely give the game a look.
I liked it, too. The multiplayer was shitty, but the game overall was fun for a while. It just got rusty after a bit.

But that didn't stop me from getting two platinums in it. :D
I am going to call bull for 2 reasons.

1. It looks fake.
2. The first game sucked, why make a 2nd.. that would be like making a 2nd FFXIII... oh wait, bad example.
I liked it, too. The multiplayer was shitty, but the game overall was fun for a while. It just got rusty after a bit.

But that didn't stop me from getting two platinums in it. :D
Still working towards the platinum trophies. Not sure I will get the online trophies though *sigh* I hate online trophies so much.

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