Persona 4 Golden vs Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD


PSLS Level: Bronze
Okay let's talk about this.

Which game is better. Which game do you prefer more? Which of this two will go down as the better psvita JRPG.
I think personally I prefer Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD more because it is familiar to me. I have beaten the game, and invested time in it. Does that mean it is better than Persona 4? No. I haven't currently played enough of the game to pass a judgment on it. Though I will say that I don't know of anyone that doesn't like the game, pretty much everyone I've talked to loves it.
Okay let's talk about this.

Which game is better. Which game do you prefer more? Which of this two will go down as the better psvita JRPG.

As much as my younger self wants to say FFX for the nostalgia (I don't count X-2 because three chicks playing dress up is not that fun), however after playing both FFX and P4 Golden, I have to say P4G is the better game. It doesn't have the love story from FFX but the ability to create new Personas, interact with your classmates, date, work a job, and all that fun stuff, I just feel it has more content.
the weird thing is, i have spent more time on ffx (because of familiarity) yet overall i think that persona 4 is the better what you guys said ffx is more well known (first came up during early life cycle of ps2) as compared to P4 (swan song of ps2).

my personal opinion about the two games (which are both awesome in its own way)

P4 Social Link System
FFX Sphere Grid System
P4 has persona compendium to complete
FFX monster arena to complete

P4 is a high school life - murder mystery - identity crisis - save the world story
FFX story about death - love - dreaming - save the world story

P4 has 3d and anime style graphics
FFX fully 3d rendered

P4 made live concerts for its soundtrack
FFX audio cds

P4 tons of mini-games most of them are directly related to your progression

P4 Margaret & The Reaper ( because you have to fight them 1v1 and no cheap way to beat them)
FFX Dark Aeons, Monster Arena, Penance ( Zanmato kind of kills the fun)

P4 story progression can be altered
FFX linear

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