Path of Exile


PSLS Level: Bronze
Who plays? Share your character(s)/build(s) and general thoughts on the game and such.

I haven't played (extensively) in a while, but my main is a level 50 duelist, primarily built around attack strength and speed, while trying to keep a good balance of defensive stats. Armed with a rapier, his attacks start with Frenzy w/ added AoE, to build up 5 Frenzy Charges, and then switches into Double Strike + Multistrike + Life Gain On Hit + Mana Leech. Defensively, aside from life leech (w/ Vaal Pact), I've got a shield on him (with Tempest Shield recently added to the mix), and a handful of skills linked to Cast When Damage Taken: Warlord's Mark, Molten Shell, and Devouring Totem. No really special/unique gear as of yet, so I'm just using whatever I manage to find/buy/craft. Overall, the build pans out pretty successfully. I'm sure it's full of flaws, but I'm working on patching up whatever I can.

For anyone not familiar with it:
Essentially, a "Diablo clone." Except better. And free. :D
Pardon the bump/double-post, but I figure this ought to be a decent enough reason.
News on the upcoming expansion, Forsaken Masters, later this month.
If you've been holding off on checking the game out, now/soon would be a good time to look into it again. ;)

Especially for a F2P game, I'm seriously amazed by the kind and amount of content that gets updated and added to this game. It's already a damn solid game as is, and yet Grinding Gear Games keeps finding ways to take it a step further.

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