Over 1 Million Shares!!!


PSLS Level: Silver
This is awesome, and shows that gamers want to fully embrace the social aspect that this generation of gaming has brought to us.


Have you found yourself using the share button more on your PlayStation 4?

We were playing TowerFall last night, and my roommate and I both did awesome kills in the quest, but we didn't see each other's. The auto-record caught it, and we rewatched it (keeping an eye on the other guy's character). So cool.

Didn't upload it though.
My upload speed is terrible so I can't really broadcast, and I am vehemently against Facebook and other social media. I'm hoping they'll touch up the option of saving it to your system to make a bit more clean in the future, and maybe add Youtube support. Can see myself using it quite a bit then.

At the very least, it is nice that it's bringing so many new streamers onto Twitch and Ustream. Once you navigate post the three dozen boring/bizarre Playroom live shows anyway.
I use it for broadcasting live streams of my gameplay more than I use it for screenshots and videos, but yeah, I love the sharing aspect of this gen.

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