Next God of War Setting?

Dan Oravasaari

PSLS Level: Bronze
Staff member
Where do you guys think the next God of War will be set? Will he move onto a different set of gods? Or something completely different?
I really have no idea what could be next. Egyptian gods is the most obvious answer, but do you change the hero in that case? No matter what they do, it will piss SOMEONE off. I'd like to see a new hero personally, but I know a lot of people may hate that.
I really have no idea what could be next. Egyptian gods is the most obvious answer, but do you change the hero in that case? No matter what they do, it will piss SOMEONE off. I'd like to see a new hero personally, but I know a lot of people may hate that.
But if they go to a new setting outside of Greek Mythology is it still God of War or a new IP entirely?
I would like GOW to take the modern setting while still fighting the gods of the old and new (just like the book American Gods by Neil Gaiman ). Old gods living the life of normal people with ordinary jobs (athena as a teacher, zeus as a politician, venus as an "entertainer" etc...)
I would like GOW to take the modern setting while still fighting the gods of the old and new (just like the book American Gods by Neil Gaiman ). Old gods living the life of normal people with ordinary jobs (athena as a teacher, zeus as a politician, venus as an "entertainer" etc...)
That's a great idea, but as @BigPete7978 said, at that point would it be more worth it to just change the IP name? How different can you truly make it and still retain the GOW title?
I would like GOW to take the modern setting while still fighting the gods of the old and new (just like the book American Gods by Neil Gaiman ). Old gods living the life of normal people with ordinary jobs (athena as a teacher, zeus as a politician, venus as an "entertainer" etc...)
Isn't that kind of how the Percy Jackson series is? I've only seen the movies so I am not sure.
Isn't that kind of how the Percy Jackson series is? I've only seen the movies so I am not sure.
percy jackson is the kiddy version American Gods was for adults and was published before percy jackson was. American Gods was supposed to be a tv series before Game of Thrones got picked up by hbo.
percy jackson is the kiddy version American Gods was for adults and was published before percy jackson was. American Gods was supposed to be a tv series before Game of Thrones got picked up by hbo.
So HBO was supposed to air the American Gods show? Any chance of them using the rights to show at a later time?
That does sound like an interesting show, depending on how they do it though. Sadly, I could totally see it picked up by CW and turned into Gods of Highschool to compete with Percy Jackson.

As for the GOW Next setting, I do feel like we could use a new hero. But, given that the gods are immortal, I don't see why Kratos couldn't kick ass into a new generation.
Why not have Kratos move on to Rome to kill the other half of the gods? I mean they each did have two faces. He has killed the first half. And Kratos has cheated death more than once. He can do so again in the time of the Roman Empire. Completely wipe out the gods that so affronted him.

In regards to new characters, it still works as God of War. The character doesn't need to actually be anointed as a god. As long as he/she performs legendary deeds of god slaying, he/she shall be remembered as one. For what else can topple a deity other than a stronger deity in the eyes of ancient man? Forging their path to established godhood.

In this instance, we can go anywhere. Sumerians, Norse, H.P. Lovecraft's Deep Ones (be great for a modern setting), Egyptian, and so on. It is very doable.
I would love to see an exploration of other popular mythology, in SOME way. Ascension was terrible because its Gods and references were so obscure, they had no material left to really work with. Let's go somewhere that we can get back into the awesome appearances of well known deities.
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Any modern setting would suck so bad. Its supposed to be ancient. But, with the way ascension went, i wouldn't be supprised if it was set during world war 2.
Any modern setting would suck so bad. Its supposed to be ancient. But, with the way ascension went, i wouldn't be supprised if it was set during world war 2.

There are many gods prevalent in the world today. Only the landscape would change, not the core content of the series itself.
Any modern setting would suck so bad. Its supposed to be ancient. But, with the way ascension went, i wouldn't be supprised if it was set during world war 2.
You have to read American Gods or Anansi Boys before concluding that modern setting would suck for the Gods. Maybe you've only seen Percy Jackson and some of the Young Adult books turned into crappy movies that's why you have that opinion.
chichi said:
You have to read American Gods or Anansi Boys before concluding that modern setting would suck for the Gods. Maybe you've only seen Percy Jackson and some of the Young Adult books turned into crappy movies that's why you have that opinion.
I dont want to see skyscrappers and shit in a GOW game. Why not just set it in outter space? The ancient setting is a major part of the game. It would lose so much being set in present day. I know many people believe in many gods nowadays, but they arent steeped in legend the same way greek and roman gods are. I would very much like to destroy modern gods, but not with kratos.
There are many gods prevalent in the world today. Only the landscape would change, not the core content of the series itself.
The setting, not just landscape, is a huge part of the series. I know there are modern gods, but they arent viewed the same as Greek gods are. Itd be like setting zelda in Manhattan.

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