New to the PS4 (and this forum)

Furious Jones

PSLS Level: Newbie
Hey everyone. So I'm fairly new to the PS4 -Just picked one up about two weeks ago. So far its pretty damn awesome! Mine, was bundled with TLoU: Remastered and so far I've picked up a few more small titles (Resogun, tried the Destiny Demo, Minecraft, Terraria, and a few other demos here and there. My next full big name game I want to get it GTA V. The last GTA I've played was San Andreas, both on PS2 and my iphone. Whats everyones take on GTA V? Would it be a good purchase? Good replay value etc? Thanks
Welcome! Unfortunately the ps4 doesn't have alot to offer exclusive game wise, and almost all the games that have been coming out are multi-console. Gta v is a good series, but as far as replayability goes i can't really say because i found it to be rather lacking for MY tastes, but that is just my opinion.
Sorry for the somewhat late reply but welcome to the forums. You should look into inFAMOUS: Second Son as a great game to pick up.
GTAV will bring you loads and loads of gameplay. With the addition of online mode, you could literally play it forever. This week they added heists to online too so the rabbit hole just got deeper.

In addition to that, I recommend Transistor, Outlast, Infamous: Second Son, Infamous: First Light, The Order: 1886, and Far Cry 4 are all games that won't disappoint. There's a lot more but that's a good starter list.
Do you prefer multiplayer or single player experiences?

For multiplayer games, I would recommend Destiny, GTA V, or any first person shooter (Call of Duty, Battlefield, Killzone, etc.).

My favorite single player games so far have been The Evil Within, Child of Light, The Order: 1886, and Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition.

Beyond those games, the inFAMOUS series seems to be pretty popular among most people, and there are free games given away to PS Plus users every month.
Welcome to the forums!

Everyone here has listed fantastic choices for games. You can't go wrong with any of those.

Definitely try P.T. if you're into horror.
It's just a short teaser. But, it's fun for an hour or two.

If you have any friends to play co-op with, I highly recommend Hell Divers.
If you don't have anyone, I'm always up for playing.

My PSN name is JakMan1997

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