New Game Idea: Splinter Cell merged with Intelligence (a TV Show on CBS)


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Splinter Cell is always about information and using it to your advantage. The TV show Intelligence has a guy with a chip implanted in his brain that gives him network functionality, super computing power coupled with his own brain, as well as access to every database known to man that is connected to a network.

This guy can hack cell phones at will just using his brain. It's like he has his own cell phone implanted in the chip as well. He can also access wireless networks and gain access to security cameras all around him, giving him the ability to see everything around him as well as things in other rooms nearby.

Maybe we should see if Ubisoft Montreal could couple both ideas and create Splinter Cell: Intelligence.
Yeah like @Chandler Wood said. It sounds a bit like Watch Dogs, which I am really looking forward to. Though some of the features definitely sound more advanced than what we've seen on the upcoming game. So maybe a sequel? :D
Chcuk didn't have a chip, though. I thought his was just somehow shocked into him.

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