Need Help: Mercenary Kings


PSLS Level: Bronze
I doubt I'll have much luck here, but just in case...

If anyone is interested in helping me achieve plat trophy in Mercenary Kings, I'd appreciate it. I've already reached the rank of general. I partly just need some backup in some of the last missions, but it would also be nice having someone to play with for any part of the game. I've pretty much soloed the entire game so far. You dont have to stick with me until I get plat or anything, I'm just looking for someone willing to casually play the game with me. I also certainly dont mind repeating sections of the game to help someone else out, as that will still help me reach plat. If anyone is interested, just reply here or friend request me on PS4. Just make sure you let me know its for Merc Kings.
Add me if you want. I'm playing a ton of FFX HD for Platinum right now, and may have a review to do soon, but if I have some free time, I wouldn't mind hopping on. I haven't played Merc Kings in a while though, can't say I'm too good at it.
Thanks guys, I'll add both of you when Im on. You'll have to message me on PSN when you want to play though, I probably wont bug either of you about it myself :p

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