Natural Doctrine

As gamers we should always remember:

1. Looks are deceiving
2. Never buy a game based on a critics review or star rating.
3. Commercials are only trustworthy to an extent
4. Demos don't always do the actual final version of the game justice
5. Don't get sucked into the hype

In this case, looks are deceiving when talking about the trailer, but the archived livestream shows you exactly what you are getting into haha
Nothing about this game really excited me. If the PS4 version gave you the PS3 and the Vita version for that $60, then that's one thing. But charging so much for the PS4 version, and then giving you the option to buy the other 2 versions doesn't weigh well.

There's only like 13 million people (give or take) that have a PS4 and a Vita (rough estimate since 1/3 of PS4 owners have a Vita which lowers the numbers) so the fact that they want you to choose between the versions or pay $100 dollars is insane especially on a slow game where it might help to be on a portable device.

Just stop screwing people over, do cross-buy already even if it's only available for Digital Purchases. Or at least have a $20 dollar more expensive version with Cross-buy...

It's different with Disgaea because at least they include all the DLC on the portable versions.

Is it so much to ask that companies meet us half way? Let us play your game without taking a gamble on which way we'll want to play it because it sucks when we choose the wrong one.

The PS4 version might not be much better, or the PS3 version might be kinda brokenish. The Vita version might get bumped off because we filled up our memory cards.

Any game that made in Japan most likely will get good scores. lol
Those are actually at or below Famitsu's average.
Famitsu's average is a 31.

So that's like getting a 5 from PSLS. Not actually very much different in the end, especially considering that Famitsu is widely considered a magazine of 50% news, 50% advertisements (meaning the reviews and previews are part of the advertising). No one here in Japan takes Famitsu seriously.

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