My Reasons for FFX-2 Dislike


Staff member
So someone asked me the other day why I disliked FFX-2 so much and I figured a new topic would be a great place to discuss this.


1. All girl cast. Yes, I know this is a new day and age and I shouldn't hate on a cast for all being girls, but too bad, I am. When I play an RPG, there is that need for me to have a connection with the main character and at times, feel like I am in his shoes. It is hard to put myself into the shoes of three girls who want to talk about absolutely stupid stuff the entire game and dress up in different outfits. It didn't help that I felt all three characters were rather weak and the appeal that Yuna had in FFX was gone with -2. as she became rather annoying.

2. TERRIBLE supporting cast. I mean seriously, the villians your group went up against and the people you met along your travels were pathetic. For proof of this, look no further than this group of losers below.


3. The story just never hooked me like X. Maybe it is due to the fact that I only played X-2 to hopefully see Tidus and Yuna find each other again (I am a sucker for their story), but the story was just BORING. Of course with its terrible cast, it is not hard to see why I hated the story.

The rest of the game was actually a bit of an improvement over the previous, as I thought the combat was well done and made some good adjustments. Maybe one day I will go back to it but I highly doubt it. In fact, I bought the X/X-2 Remaster and I don't even see myself redeeming the code for X-2.

What does everyone else think?
So someone asked me the other day why I disliked FFX-2 so much and I figured a new topic would be a great place to discuss this.


1. All girl cast. Yes, I know this is a new day and age and I shouldn't hate on a cast for all being girls, but too bad, I am. When I play an RPG, there is that need for me to have a connection with the main character and at times, feel like I am in his shoes. It is hard to put myself into the shoes of three girls who want to talk about absolutely stupid stuff the entire game and dress up in different outfits. It didn't help that I felt all three characters were rather weak and the appeal that Yuna had in FFX was gone with -2. as she became rather annoying.

2. TERRIBLE supporting cast. I mean seriously, the villians your group went up against and the people you met along your travels were pathetic. For proof of this, look no further than this group of losers below.


3. The story just never hooked me like X. Maybe it is due to the fact that I only played X-2 to hopefully see Tidus and Yuna find each other again (I am a sucker for their story), but the story was just BORING. Of course with its terrible cast, it is not hard to see why I hated the story.

The rest of the game was actually a bit of an improvement over the previous, as I thought the combat was well done and made some good adjustments. Maybe one day I will go back to it but I highly doubt it. In fact, I bought the X/X-2 Remaster and I don't even see myself redeeming the code for X-2.

What does everyone else think?

Game was just annoying, as far as the gameplay went
X-2 would be a guilty pleasure of mine, but I actually don't feel any guilt for liking it (unlike XIII, which still gives me a sinking feeling every time I defend some of its more questionable elements). I've still got an X-2 100% save file on a memory card somewhere, and I had a hell of a fun time getting to that point.

At any rate, I always take JRPG stories with a grain of salt so I guess it never bothered me as much. It's a shame that the GURRL POWER elements take up so much of the story after FFX had some of the most mature themes in the franchise, but I do feel that some of the story elements do enough to make the story somewhat passable. If they had trimmed down the Charlie's Angels themes and focused on some of the other present elements (the brewing civil war, the history of the Crimson Squad, Yuna's feelings over fighting her old aeons or her acceptance/denial of Shuyin, etc.) it could've really kept the game from feeling so hammy.

At least the combat was great.
X-2 would be a guilty pleasure of mine, but I actually don't feel any guilt for liking it (unlike XIII, which still gives me a sinking feeling every time I defend some of its more questionable elements). I've still got an X-2 100% save file on a memory card somewhere, and I had a hell of a fun time getting to that point.

At any rate, I always take JRPG stories with a grain of salt so I guess it never bothered me as much. It's a shame that the GURRL POWER elements take up so much of the story after FFX had some of the most mature themes in the franchise, but I do feel that some of the story elements do enough to make the story somewhat passable. If they had trimmed down the Charlie's Angels themes and focused on some of the other present elements (the brewing civil war, the history of the Crimson Squad, Yuna's feelings over fighting her old aeons or her acceptance/denial of Shuyin, etc.) it could've really kept the game from feeling so hammy.

At least the combat was great.

I am all for the Girl Power stuff, but it def. felt like it overshadowed all of the other good themes of the story. I play an RPG for the story/characters. I can even forgive a subpar combat system if the story and characters are all top notch. So, when X-2 kind of sucked in the story department and characters, it really hurt it for me.

But I still think it is 10x the game that XIII is.
I was wondering when a trend for this game. I have a few bones to pick with this game such as all those instant death enemies that appear in the beginning of the game, enemies that are way strong in the area as enemies at your level, the possibility of Oversouled Bosses and enemies while your characters are at low levels (pre-international), and finally all those stupid mini games like Gunner's Gauntlet, Sphere Break, and the rest!
I used to own this on PS2, and I own it now on Vita, thought I haven't played it yet. After I "scored a potion" so many times, I thought, "Okay this is cool, I guess." When I "liberated a Syndicate uniform" it was all over. That's the last thing I remember.
I loathe it so much I don't mind omitting it from my collection. I don't count it as a necessity for my numbered Fantasies.

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