Mother's Day Gift Ideas

Dan Oravasaari

PSLS Level: Bronze
Staff member
Alright guys/gals, Mother's Day is coming around the corner and if you are anything like me you have no idea what to get. So, I figured we could have a spot for ideas in case someone needs some help.

I ordered my mom a throw blanket, since she says she's always cold. I figure that and some flowers, a card and maybe take her to dinner for some family time.

Here's the throw I ordered.
Just find something your mom really likes, i think perfume would be a good way to go. My mom recently ran out of her favorite Gucci Perfume so me and my brothers got together and got her a new one. Another time we got her a digital camera cause she was always messing with disposable ones.
My mom has always liked TV seasons. She loves Dexter, Friends, etc. and pretty much if there is a Stephen King book to be bought, she wants it. She's a huge fan.
I went down to the local pottery store and made her a gift, they are gonna call me back to let me know when it's out of the kiln. Neat little store, you do the work and they heat it for you
I went down to the local pottery store and made her a gift, they are gonna call me back to let me know when it's out of the kiln. Neat little store, you do the work and they heat it for you
I love that idea, but I don't think we have anything like that around here. But, then again, I don't look that often. o_O
The latest and greatest in literature is always good for the moms who like to keep up with the times. This box set will keep your mothers entertained for days on end. It's a really interesting read and fun for all ages. I'll let the link speak for itself.
The latest and greatest in literature is always good for the moms who like to keep up with the times. This box set will keep your mothers entertained for days on end. It's a really interesting read and fun for all ages. I'll let the link speak for itself.
I haven't clicked on the link yet, but I think I have an idea of what it might be. o_O
The latest and greatest in literature is always good for the moms who like to keep up with the times. This box set will keep your mothers entertained for days on end. It's a really interesting read and fun for all ages. I'll let the link speak for itself.
LOL, called it. Dick.
LOL, called it. Dick.
You saw right through my plan...

Chocolates is always a good fallback just in case she doesn't like books. I have yet to walk into a grocery store that doesn't have a display full of giant chocolate bunnies on discount.

I'm "fortunate" in that the only thing I have to worry about on Mothers day is sending out enough Facebook messages and phone calls to all the mothers in my life. I live a couple states away so my sister gets to do the gift picking while I pay her off for it. It's lame but it's the best I can do.

If I were local, a nice 1 on 1 (If you want to/can leave siblings out) dinner is what I would do. It's great because it gets them out of cooking for the night and we get to spend quality time catching up with our lives.

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