Mini-Game Turned to a Stand-Alone Game


PSLS Level: Bronze
Mini-games are hits and misses. you could literally get stuck in it and forget to play the main game (I'm looking at you Triple Triad/tetra master) or a total miss (1000 jumping ropes for Vivi?).
But we can all agree that some mini-games deserves to become a stand-alone game either as indie title or a budget game.

I would like to start with the most obvious:
Blitzball, make it a madden type game but only better. You can sign up players all across spira. Unlock Special characters (Brother, Wakka, Tidus etc...). Have a sphere grid to gain stats and skills. Different Kinds of Arenas (Play blitzball in Zanarkand, Omega Ruins Arena, Cid's Airship Arena).

Feel free to add other mini-games that will be an awesome stand-alone game
It could serve the same purpose as it does in-game, but the data could be hosted on a cloud server.

That's how the Assassin's Creed 4 app works on Android. The data from your ship fleet syncs with your uPlay account / PS4, and you control your fleet from your phone as you would in-game. Whatever gains that you would get from playing the mini-game (cards in FFVIII, money in AC4) become available once your console connects to the internet and retrieves the data. :-D

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