mildly infuriating: type-0 announced to the west as a vita game... then changed to ps4 only


PSLS Level: Bronze
Type-0 is coming to PS4 in North America and Europe.

An earlier headline for this post stated that Final Fantasy Type-0 HD is coming to PS Vita, which was incorrect. Type-0 is coming to PS4 in North America and Europe.

i know we should be glad that it's happening, but it's the psp/psvita users are the ones who kept on requesting for this game and yet we won't get it? like wtf... now you guys won't even give us (the vita users) the satisfaction of playing it on the vita? Real disappointing considering it was us PSP/Vita fans asking for this game, like really? thanking PSP/Vita fans for showing great interest in the game and then only releasing it on PS4/Xbox1

all in all i was at a euphoric high to a wave of red-hot anger and disappointment. do they really care about psvita? i hope they will announce this as a vita game sometime...
I think this sums up Enix the best.
Final Fantasy Versus 13

(huh ironic isn't it... FFv13 and FFtype-0, they dropped the ball on both)
I think this sums up Enix the best.
Final Fantasy Versus 13

(huh ironic isn't it... FFv13 and FFtype-0, they dropped the ball on both)
getting it to ps4 was understandable. but for the xbox to get it (not hating on xbox) and vita gets ignored? It's not that they don't deserve the game... but i'm pretty sure most of the xbox players didn't give a fuck about this game before it got announced for xbox1.
Maybe it was a... Type-O.

I'll see myself out...
Wow. They should release it for both. I see no issue with it coming to the PS4 and Xbox One, but give it to the Vita as well. It's not like it wouldn't sell.
Wow. They should release it for both. I see no issue with it coming to the PS4 and Xbox One, but give it to the Vita as well. It's not like it wouldn't sell.
I bet it would sell better on the PSVita then the X1. I don't mean to generalize but the Xbox has always been more of a shooter console. The PSP and Vita are more japanese and rpg platforms. The crowd that bought the Vita were buying in hope for games like this.

The only reason it is getting brought west is because of Vita fans and PSP owners. Which is why its such a slap to the face. WE'VE been asking for it, begging for it, #jrpg and all that bull shit. I highly doubt someone who owns an X1 but has never owned a Vita or PSP realizes the game even exists.

I could see a PS4/Vita/X1 being announced at the same time.. but this is just a mess. Even if they announce a Vita version it doesn't matter. Could be some day release but it doesn't matter. It completely crushed the Vita crowd. Bad new spreads very quickly. Once the damage is done you can not undo it. Especially after having the typo, that was just icing on the cake.
I bet it would sell better on the PSVita then the X1. I don't mean to generalize but the Xbox has always been more of a shooter console. The PSP and Vita are more japanese and rpg platforms. The crowd that bought the Vita were buying in hope for games like this.

The only reason it is getting brought west is because of Vita fans and PSP owners. Which is why its such a slap to the face. WE'VE been asking for it, begging for it, #jrpg and all that bull shit. I highly doubt someone who owns an X1 but has never owned a Vita or PSP realizes the game even exists.

I could see a PS4/Vita/X1 being announced at the same time.. but this is just a mess. Even if they announce a Vita version it doesn't matter. Could be some day release but it doesn't matter. It completely crushed the Vita crowd. Bad new spreads very quickly. Once the damage is done you can not undo it. Especially after having the typo, that was just icing on the cake.

i was wondering... since when did the xbox users care about ff type-0 coming to the west?
and the answer is what.... 8-12 hours ago (give or take)
I have a feeling that in the future they will probably put it on the vita eventually, just not anytime soon.
I have a feeling that in the future they will probably put it on the vita eventually, just not anytime soon.
they posted it already in their blog as a psvita/ps4 game. then they suddenly changed it to ps4/xb1 game.
they posted it already in their blog as a psvita/ps4 game. then they suddenly changed it to ps4/xb1 game.

And game companies are notorious for changing things later on down the line after the game has been released. It wouldn't surprise me if such a thing happened.
I have now figured out Square Enix's new MO and it boils down to 6 steps.

  1. Announce a platform exclusive game.
  2. Build up the hype machine.
  3. Sit on it in silence for 4-8 years, showing an occasional screenshot.
  4. Release 10 other sub par games in that time frame, games no one wants.
  5. Re-brand the game under a new name and change it to multiple platforms.
  6. Shove their middle fingers in the air and wave them like they just don't care.

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