Merry Christmas to all.


PSLS Level: Bronze

With Christmas less then a week a way, I wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
I hope you all have a happy and safe Christmas and best wishes to you and your families.

I hope 2015 has some great games for all of us to drool and play with.

I also wish to see less wars and more peace, in this world. I hope we all have a happy 2015.

Cheers to you and your families.
Merry Christmas
Merry christmas to all, and to all a good gaming. May you get what you wish for and enjoy your christmas dinner and other traditions.

For us it's: breakfast, open presents, clean up mess, turn on tv and watch "a chistmas story" , then get ready for a nice dinner with the family at the family christmas party.
Amen to that... 2015 is looking so awesome for games I can't wait my list keeps growing and my wife is going to be very sad when she sees it...

Can't wait.... what a year that lays ahead.... and those are just the games we know about now... there are so many more we have not heard about yet...

As for our Christmas, our big family get together is on the 24th Christmas eve has always been very important... Since that day we can not have meat and eat only fish so the meal is huge. So good too. looking forward to that... shocker there yes.

I spend Christmas morning with my wife and kids but then they go to the USA for Christmas day and evening. I am ill and the drive is just to far away for me. i have become used to spending Christmas alone. Gives me time to game =).

Other then that I can't wait. The kids are excited and as a dad that makes me happy.

Cheers to all.

PS we should do a Christmas report and let everyone know what they are going to be playing, what do you think???
Amen to that... 2015 is looking so awesome for games I can't wait my list keeps growing and my wife is going to be very sad when she sees it...

Can't wait.... what a year that lays ahead.... and those are just the games we know about now... there are so many more we have not heard about yet...

As for our Christmas, our big family get together is on the 24th Christmas eve has always been very important... Since that day we can not have meat and eat only fish so the meal is huge. So good too. looking forward to that... shocker there yes.

I spend Christmas morning with my wife and kids but then they go to the USA for Christmas day and evening. I am ill and the drive is just to far away for me. i have become used to spending Christmas alone. Gives me time to game =).

Other then that I can't wait. The kids are excited and as a dad that makes me happy.

Cheers to all.

PS we should do a Christmas report and let everyone know what they are going to be playing, what do you think???

I can sum mine up right here is a single game.


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