Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Dan Oravasaari

PSLS Level: Bronze
Staff member
I'm just curious to see if anyone else has been keeping up with this show. At first, I thought it was terrible, but the last few weeks have really turned the show around for me. I still don't like a number of the actors, but at least the story is no longer rejected CW scripts with hints of alien tech.
I didnt care much for the first few episodes i saw, but i heard they were going to improve Season 2 since they are really working to tie it all in to the Avengers universe.

I was just telling my wife last night about it and that we need to binge watch to catch up.
I stopped watching it after about 3 episodes. I mean there were really no redeeming factors in the first 3 episodes and i never really got a feel that it had anything to do with the Marvel realm. It just felt like a disjointed mess with really subpar scripts, bad acting, and meh fight scenes.
I've stayed current with the series, it wasn't a highlight of my week until a few weeks ago. And it just so happens to be when they stopped the villain-of-the-week episodes and started the longer story and big tie-in that it's gotten really good.
Yeah, I almost ended up giving up on the show, but I think if you guys do like the Marvel universe it might be worth sticking it out. That said, the show still isn't perfect, as I still absolutely hate Skye and a few of the other cast members.
I've stayed current with the series, it wasn't a highlight of my week until a few weeks ago. And it just so happens to be when they stopped the villain-of-the-week episodes and started the longer story and big tie-in that it's gotten really good.

Good to know. I started watching this when it premiered but lost interest in it a couple weeks in. I'm gonna have to give it another go.
Good to know. I started watching this when it premiered but lost interest in it a couple weeks in. I'm gonna have to give it another go.

I think the episode 13-14 arc was when it started getting good, e15 was a villain-of the-week/Thor semi-tie-in and e16 kicked the show into a whole new gear which is said to continue to the end of the season. I would strongly suggest watching The Winter Soldier before e17 as there are some references and major spoilers for the movie in the show.
As a hardcore Marvel Comics fan, I've kept up with the show throughout the first season. Everyone who has posted here is correct, the first half of the season sucked, but the show is gradually improving. I can't imagine Joss Whedon is very hands on with the show, because it lacks all the qualities that made his other series great.

I hope the season ends strong and continues on until next season. They also have to get rid of the generic villains that have no connection to the comics. It's like they are saving everything good from the comics for the movies. That's fine, but it makes for a sucky Marvel show. Their are so many good shows on TV now that another season like this just won't cut it.
So basically I can just skip the first season and pick it up in the 2nd season? I don't have time to watch through 12 episodes of shit to finally have a show start to be good.

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