Life Is Strange


PSLS Level: Bronze

Just grabbed the first episode and played through it last night. Consider me intrigued, as well as curious about what others think of this so far.

Personally, the whole indie/hipster-esque tone of the game is kind of off-putting, but something I'm willing to overlook -- I'll consider it a chance to live another life; be in someone else's shoes. A story is a story, and this one's got me interested. I'm curious to see how the game's progression will compare to how Telltale Games handles this type of game. ("[Person A] will remember that." ...Until you rewind time.) The demo didn't offer much to go on, but the first episode sets things up quite nicely, even using time travel to basically give you your goal and the time limit the main character has to reach it. So far, just the number of characters involved in your decisions seems pretty significant, and I'm eager to see how their roles later in the story are handled.
I liked what I played so far and I am interested in seeing where they go with the remaining episodes.
I'm interested in it, I just can't be bothered to get it yet. I buy this stuff on good sales because there's too much to get otherwise.

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