Lets talk about Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor


PSLS Level: Bronze
PSLS Ambassador
Like the tittle says, lets talk about Shadow of Mordor. Did you enjoy the game or not? Expectations were met or died? Let me know.

My opinion is that I really like the game. I have been a fan of Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit since ever. Love it. The game is awesome, the story is more or less but its good.
How does it feel overall? I watched a friend play it and I'm intrigued immensely, however, it really doesn't strike me as a $60 quality game. Not much of a lord of the rings fan, but i hear it supposedly takes place prior to everything in the series?
Its between The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings but it is not tied to the story to be honest. Its between those books but the truth its that this game is like fan made by WBrothers. The studio used some things from the books that are actually true and change them and add, eliminated and etc etc. Like I said its more a fan made game in terms of story but its not a bad story. Its cool and the game is awesome and the Nemesis System makes the game feel like most game should be DYNAMIC.

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