Keeping up with From Software


PSLS Level: Bronze
This is my personal attempt to keep track of and share information on my favorite developer, From Software.

Staff, feel free to move this thread if I have put it in the wrong area.

First order of business. After the launch of Dark Souls II, Bandia Namco sold their 80% shares of From Software stock to Kadokawa. Kadokawa is a manga, anime and (newly) video game producer that has opporated in japan for many years. They are planning to continue joining the video game space and to become a global distributor.

From Software is now their lead developer. For the Armored Core and Souls series, this could mean bigger budgets and high quality servers along with long term support of games after their release. Kadokawa may also attempt to adapt some of these series into tie in or parallel manga and anime to expand the universes and profitablity. Kadokawa has tried to make some mobile type games, so From Software may be encouraged or told to develop on something other then a home console.

There are many other sources out there as well.

Next. Rumors of Project Beast began popping up with the usual E3 rumors. It is believed that project beast is the direct sequal to Demons Souls. From Software, the original Demons Souls director and Sony Computer Entertainment are said to be working on this project. Leaked images dipict scenes that are in line with the style and theme of the Souls series. One image dipicts what has been massly accepted as a shotgun. There is understandable clamour that this is a PS4 Xbox One title. There have been NO official announcements concerning a Project Beast from anyone.


Now. It has been announced that there have been some changes to the staff at From Software. Notably, Hidetaka Miyazaki who is the director for Demons Souls an Dark Souls, is now president of the company. Personally, I am excited about this. Demons Souls was a rich canvus of lore said to have been made mostly by Miyazaki. This is a man who really makes the detail. His leadership will bring a pristine polish to all that From Software does. Other stff changes are listed in the sources.


I will update with From Software news as I find it. Please be nice about posting spelling errors or other mistakes. I am new to the sourcing thing so my sources may not be the best. As for spelling, language is my weakest subject andi struggle with word selection and spelling constantly. Other errors may be made because I am using a tablet.

Thank your for your time and effort.
I'd love to see From publish something else along the lines of 3D Dot Game Heroes. That was one of the greatest PS3 titles.

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