inFAMOUS Second Son Tagging Mechanic

Chandler Wood

Get Off My Wood
Staff member
So how cool was this piece of the game? I couldn't mention it in my review as they wanted to make it a surprise for players, but now that it is out I can finally talk about it. I thought it was an awesome alternate use of the controller! I looked forward to every time I got to do one of the tags around the city! And each of the tags is pretty awesome/hilarious.
Frickin' loved it, man! I thought it was a wonderful little touch. Once I found out they were a freeroam mission and not rare story instances, I began the hunt! Don't nearly have them all, but I love doing them. It may be the kid (or tagger?) in me, but I loved shaking the "can" and everything. Glad he uses stencils and doesn't free hand. Not sure I could make quite as accurate work if Delsin was that artistically inclined.
not only did I love this feature (what a cool $5 PSN game it would be!) but my daughter LOVED it. She forced me to wait for her before I did any of these.
This may be the deviant in me, but it makes me want to really create some stencils and go tagging! In completely legal and non vandalizing ways of course. I'm not about to blame a video game for getting me arrested haha. But I'm sure I could find some out of the way over/underpasses that could do with some art, right?
This may be the deviant in me, but it makes me want to really create some stencils and go tagging! In completely legal and non vandalizing ways of course. I'm not about to blame a video game for getting me arrested haha. But I'm sure I could find some out of the way over/underpasses that could do with some art, right?

I know a few around Nashville I may just visit. ;)
Not gonna lie I thought when they first said turn the controller sideways and shake it like a spray paint can in the game I thought it was gonna be stupid. But I ended up loving the way they implemented it in the game. I even found myself looking forward to how the artwork was gonna look when completing a tag.

It'd be awesome if they let you create your own tags in game and rate them.
Definitely a nice touch. It was the first side mission I did in every section just for the amazing artwork. I loved how they incorporated portions of whatever structure it was on into the artwork. I liked it so much that on my evil play through, instead of blitzing through the story, I stopped of to re-tag everything for evil karma.
I really enjoyed it, like Pete I thought it was going to be dumb, but I really liked it.
I really enjoyed the fact the light in the controller changed with your point color. Also, it gave me insight on how they actually tag stuff lol.
Couldn't agree more, I really think it was one of the best uses of the sixaxis. I could totally go for a full product based around the mechanic - Jet Set Radio anyone?
Couldn't agree more, I really think it was one of the best uses of the sixaxis. I could totally go for a full product based around the mechanic - Jet Set Radio anyone?

When you mentioned basing a game around the tagging in the stream, I wanted to throw that out. But I've only heard tales such a game. All I could recall was that image of someone in roller blades grinding on rails then stopping to spray paint for little bit.
When you mentioned basing a game around the tagging in the stream, I wanted to throw that out. But I've only heard tales such a game. All I could recall was that image of someone in roller blades grinding on rails then stopping to spray paint for little bit.

That was basically all you needed to remember. Well, that and bug eye glasses.
Eh, the best part is the rattle coming from your controller. They were a little tedious for my taste since it was the same actions over and over.
Eh, the best part is the rattle coming from your controller. They were a little tedious for my taste since it was the same actions over and over.

You're missing out on all the epic artwork man. It wasn't about the action for me, it was about the end result. Seeing the different scenes depicted made it worth the hours spent spraying up the walls and hand making the stencils.
You're missing out on all the epic artwork man. It wasn't about the action for me, it was about the end result. Seeing the different scenes depicted made it worth the hours spent spraying up the walls and hand making the stencils.

Yea man, seeing the artwork actually got me excited :)
You're missing out on all the epic artwork man. It wasn't about the action for me, it was about the end result. Seeing the different scenes depicted made it worth the hours spent spraying up the walls and hand making the stencils.
Im not missing the artwok, im doing all of the tags. But the actions are repetitive. I can also do without the little cutscenes between me spraying.
Im not missing the artwok, im doing all of the tags. But the actions are repetitive. I can also do without the little cutscenes between me spraying.
The little cutscenes of tape ripping and stuff are annoying for sure. But I loved the mechanic overall.

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