I'm really enjoying Fez, but...

Big Head

PSLS Level: Bronze
I'm all out of 'shrooms, man. Anyone got some? I need to feel like what the devs did while making this game.
The game is fantastic. I own it on multiple platforms, but some of the game can be crazy difficult puzzle wise :p
The game is fantastic. I own it on multiple platforms, but some of the game can be crazy difficult puzzle wise :p
Yeah it can really get absurd. I did cheat more than once. How the **** am I suppose to know that the 10 shapes on a pillar represent the different ways to unfold a box, and you have to figure out the missing 11th way.
Dis game so kewl :eek: The whole game confused me lol. The beginning made me think me game had c rashed lol then with all the rotating @_@

It was an awesome experience. I loved how theres multiple ways to solve some puzzles where u can improvise :3

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