Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth 2 coming to US & EU

A couple of hours into Re:birth1 (I know it's a short amount of time), and I can say that the IGN review was totally off, and I'm enjoying it thoroughly.

The fan service is minimal (once in two -grindy by choice- hours), the boob jokes are multi-layered (the one representing X Box telling the one representing Nintendo that big boobs are a sign of maturity, much like X Box fans are often accused of telling Nintendo fans that their games are for kids), the game looks GREAT (much better than say, Ys: Memories of Celceta), sounds amazing, and the gameplay is good.

I recommend it.
Im hoping to clear some of my backlog in October and will try to pick it up in November.
Im hoping to clear some of my backlog in October and will try to pick it up in November.

For what it's worth, I'm glad I put it to the top of my backlog.

I played a couple of hours today, and keep on getting pleasantly surprised by the stuff in the game.

It's exactly what I needed: It doesn't take itself too seriously (it keeps making reference to the fact that people expect fan service from it -by saying the actual words "fan service" sometimes-, and also to the fact that it's a remake).

I am really liking it so far.

I'm gonna put on some reruns of The Ricky Gervais show in the background and explore some dungeons.
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Ok, so, about 6hs in, I'm liking it more by the minute.

"Too easy"? Definitely not. It's a bit grindy, and it definitely requires you to use strategy (cleric in action, so on). The combat system is quite good... I don't know, I'm totally sold. Totally, totally sold. Will be getting upcoming games.

EDIT: Just to comment on the fan service, 7 hours in and that first bit of fan service at the beginning was the only bit so far.

No boobs, no jokes, nothing.
I can't wait to make room for this in my wallet. lmfao

Thanks, @idillicah

My pleasure! I am putting an hour a day or so on this, and it keeps on bringing cool stuff into the mix. There's some crafting to be done, even to access side-quest dungeons (which I'm doing along the way), the weapons are amazing and diverse, each with their pros and cons....

I'm telling you, this game is one of the biggest surprises I've had with my Vita since owning the system.

Cannot recommend it enough. I haven't really been playing anything else since I started.

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