

PSLS Level: Bronze
Man, feels like ages since I was last on a forum... Or an active one, anyway.

Name's Chalryn. Or Chal. Or Jamie. Whatever works. Although on that note, before I continue: Chalryn is meant to be pronounced 'Kal - rin.' In case anyone was wondering. Came up with it back in sixth grade or so, and it just kinda stuck. (Best part is its 99.9% success rate in not being in use by anyone else, heh.)

Anyroad, I'm a boring dude. Between work, it's all about anime and gaming (in varying proportions, depending on what I'm into at the time). Most recently, I've been playing Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn (PC) -- mostly my main character, who's now a level... 38(?) paladin. Although I've been working on his mining and weaponcrafting/armorcrafting for a while. Aside from that, I've been occasionally playing Borderlands 2 (PS3), Naruto Shippuuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 Full Burst (PS3), or The Swapper (PC). Need to get back into my core gaming soon, but for the time being, I'm mostly just focusing on FFXIV. On the anime front, I've been watching a few currently-airing series, and I just recently started the Black Lagoon: Roberta's Blood Trail OVA's with a friend. The past few nights, though, I've just been kicking back to some Cardcaptor Sakura, since I put it on hold for a while, and figure now's a good time to finish the series.

...Kinda cruddy intro, I guess. Pardon the rambling, but that really does just about sum up what you can expect from me. Hoping I can partake in some good ol' gaming discussion and whatnot around here. Be seeing you all around, I guess?
*wakes up*... sorry I fell asleep reading this.. man you are boring dude!! haha just messing

Good to have you here bro.

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