Have you ever noticed...


PSLS Level: Bronze
I know the title is ambiguous but I did so to draw in a large crowd, the thing is have you ever noticed on the comment sections for some of the articles how some people can act like they're your friends and then the instant and I mean the instant you say something they don't quite agree with they just come out of nowhere with personal attacks.

Has anyone had this happen to them? Because it's getting on my nerves.
I know the title is ambiguous but I did so to draw in a large crowd, the thing is have you ever noticed on the comment sections for some of the articles how some people can act like they're your friends and then the instant and I mean the instant you say something they don't quite agree with they just come out of nowhere with personal attacks.

Has anyone had this happen to them? Because it's getting on my nerves.

Oh yes, many times!
In all seriousness, this really is a volatile subject. If someone agrees with everything you say and finds that you do not like dogs as pets, then they change every thought that they ever had about you. Nevermind that dogs have no plot significance to Destiny. The fact that you both have platinum trophies in the game is irrelevant at that point.
Sadly I have seen a vast degradation in the "quality" of commenters in the comments of PSLS. I cant remember exactly how many years ago it was but I actually left one of the big video game sites for this one because I was sick of all the idiots doing just that. It was really nice here. Everyone was courteous and posted meaningful comments. Now it seems the comment sections are dominated by nothing but worthless shit stains with the I.Q. of a turnip, engaging in long pointless back and forth arguments that are made up of nothing but insults and talking in circles. Such is the internet. When you give EVERYONE a voice, naturally that is also going to include the intellectually challenged and the morally bankrupt. Not that I'm exactly a genius or a saint myself :D
When you give EVERYONE a voice, naturally that is also going to include the intellectually challenged and the morally bankrupt.
Don't forget the five or six people who repeatedly call out review scores for games that are completely unrelated to the topic. I read comments just to get the kicks and giggles from those people.

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