Hatsune Miku: Project Diva F 2nd


PSLS Level: Kraken
PSLS Ambassador
I just read @Heath's review of this game, and I'm trying to figure out whether or not I'm gonna buy it. With the game containing 20 tracks and the rest of it mainly being fluff (that whole Diva Room bit from the first game was completely useless to me), I'm having a hard time justifying paying the full price for the new game. However, since the same minor nuances (Diva room, hard to use music editor, etc.) as the first game, I'm wondering if it would suit me better to import the game (if I decide to buy it), despite not knowing any written Japanese at all.

Does anyone have advice on this?
The game is getting a Western release sometime in Q3 I believe.
If some of those things turn you off the game that much maybe it'd be better to wait for a sale... (but knowing Sega that'll be in 2015 sometime).

One positive is that it will be getting a physical release in NA this time around.

(I'm not a rhythm game fan so I don't have much help here)
I've been playing it since was released in japan earlier this year, great game. I highly recommend it, especially if you like music. Though the jpn demo doesn't do it justice. I just bought it when it came out and jumped in, loving it so far.
One positive is that it will be getting a physical release in NA this time around.
And because of this, one option might be to wait for a price drop. With digital, it's all up to The Man, but with physical media, it's usually just a matter of time.

...Though, if it's like some games, it could get rare and negate any price drop. So the operative word in my first sentence is "might."
As for importing, not being able to read would normally slow you down a bit, but since you've played the first one, you'll already pretty much know your way around the menus and stuff. Your stats are all in English anyway (the screenshots in my review are taken from my Japanese copy of the game).
I just read @Heath's review of this game, and I'm trying to figure out whether or not I'm gonna buy it. With the game containing 20 tracks and the rest of it mainly being fluff (that whole Diva Room bit from the first game was completely useless to me), I'm having a hard time justifying paying the full price for the new game. However, since the same minor nuances (Diva room, hard to use music editor, etc.) as the first game, I'm wondering if it would suit me better to import the game (if I decide to buy it), despite not knowing any written Japanese at all.

Does anyone have advice on this?
I'm getting it on principle more than anything, just to show that if they're willing to localize/publish these types of games, there will be people willing to buy them. Maybe one day we'll get Yakuza 5 and Ishin.
The protagonists act so similar, you might have trouble telling them apart!
I had it on PS2 forever ago, and ... I'll just say that I scored a potion, liberated a Syndicate Uniform, and quit playing the game.

Regardless of what choice I make with Miku, I still plan to revisit X-2 with a more open mind. Let's just hope that it doesn't annoy me as much. :D
Though i bought it via the jpn psn earlier this year, alot of people at otakon were buying the disc. Granted it wasn't the U.S. Version, i think it goes to show that it'll do well sales wise, and that people love imports
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