H1Z1 Zombie MMO


PSLS Level: Silver
This looks awesome. I can only hope that it comes to the PS4 eventually. Granted the game is still being worked on a lot, but the potential is definitely there. Would you play this if it were to come to the PS4?

yet why does it kind of remind me of the arcade zombie games so much.
ZOMBIES!!!!!!! :)

Why does everyone want zombie games to die? If you don't like zombies then don't play. Those of us who never get tired of them can still enjoy our games. I am looking forward to this game. Not only is it a zombie MMO but it has Jeeps. :)
The "MMO" thing scares me... Subscription fee? We have way too many of those lately... Including that subscription fee that allows me to keep my house.
ZOMBIES!!!!!!! :)

Why does everyone want zombie games to die? If you don't like zombies then don't play. Those of us who never get tired of them can still enjoy our games. I am looking forward to this game. Not only is it a zombie MMO but it has Jeeps. :)
We shall build a fort in the game and it will be epic. There are so many possibilities with this title.
The "MMO" thing scares me... Subscription fee? We have way too many of those lately... Including that subscription fee that allows me to keep my house.
The game is a "Free to Play" MMO with microtransactions. It will not be a "pay to win" or require a subscription. This is according to the reveal info.
The game is a "Free to Play" MMO with microtransactions. It will not be a "pay to win" or require a subscription. This is according to the reveal info.
As long as the players that spend money aren't ridiculously over powered then I'm good with it. Hell if the game is any good I will probably spend some money on it.
I'll download this the second it hits the PSN. I also don't understand the aversion to zombie games. Why not" Oh no, more FPS games. When will they ever die?" Or put that to ANY other genre of game out there. It is completely ridiculous to focus the hate strictly to zombies.

Anyway, I love the look of this. And it has a build mechanic like DayZ or Rust? Just phenomenal. Looking forward to more from H1Z1.
I'll download this the second it hits the PSN. I also don't understand the aversion to zombie games. Why not" Oh no, more FPS games. When will they ever die?" Or put that to ANY other genre of game out there. It is completely ridiculous to focus the hate strictly to zombies.

Anyway, I love the look of this. And it has a build mechanic like DayZ or Rust? Just phenomenal. Looking forward to more from H1Z1.
My philosophy is if you don't care for a game do not get it. That's why I like gaming, there is something for everyone. There are genres that I like, and some that I don't. Yet other people I know could be the exact opposite. I don't happen to care for strategy RPG's, yet @Lifewish loves many of them. All about preference.
I agree. The sheer amount of possibilities with what they are allowing in game. Some people would love free roaming in the game, others building a protecting what they have built.

Yeah and those that wanna survive and have it all for themselves will invade your space and destroy it and kill your group. Evil.

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