gt6 on ps3


PSLS Level: Newbie
hi guys. new to all this forum stuff but need help
recently got given gt6. have a 60 gig ps3. every time I go to play gt6, it shuts my ps3 down.
went back to other games, no problems, dvd/blueray, no problems. put gt6 back in and it shuts ps3 down again.

is it the console or the game ???
That is weird. Never heard of this issue from just one game. Is the PS3 completely up to date firmware wise?
yes, constantly do updates. had the same thought.

Never happened to me with my copy, maybe not enough room left on your hard drive? I'm just shooting in the dark here but that's how i knew i had run out of room on my ps3. Where did you buy it?
That is an odd issue, it does make me wonder if it is because the system is just getting old since you did say it was a 60 gb PS3 (launch). Sadly, I don't know if that has anything to do with it though.
Have you gone to the gt website and see if anybody else has posted anything similiar to your problem?

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