Greetings fellow gamers and gaming enthusiasts

Hybrid Extreme

PSLS Level: Newbie
Hi everyone. My name is Giovanni, user name Hybrid Extreme and I am a gamer! I live in NB Canada. Being from Canada means I like both beer and maple syrup but like most Canadians, I never mix the two! I've been a gamer since the 70's. In the days of the Atari 2600 I was addicted to games like Defender and Lock n Chase. I fell in love with Nintendo too playing games like Mario and Duck Hunt and my personal favorite Shadow Of The Ninja . I had a Commodore 64 with 2 games - Frogger and International Karate. A house fire that happened in the late 80's destroyed all of my games and systems but since then I've been able to create a healthy library of around 1000 games and nearly a dozen consoles through the years. A massive collection to some, a drop in the bucket to others!

I enjoy just about every genre of game though I'm not great at some of them. Turn based games like Final Fantasy and KOTOR are awesome games that I am just not very good at!

Outside of gaming I am an artist. I do paintings and drawings etc. but I also do fine art wood crafting and carving as well as I design and create custom decks, furniture and lawn decor.

Outside of gaming and work I practice martial arts. I've been practicing martial arts since I was a teenager. My style is Ninjitsu. No, not Hollywood Ninjitsu! There is a difference! And although I am taking a break from teaching (summertime is too busy with work) I do teach in the fall and winter seasons. I teach hand to hand combat, weapons and philosophy. I don't teach any spirituality, religion, deities or anything magic or mystic in my teachings. It is straight up philosophy - technique - execution - practice.

I consider myself to be a smart person, a deep thinker and I enjoy conversations about gaming. I'm not into insults and I have no tolerance for those who do. I respect everyone as individuals who have opinions, thoughts and feelings that may coincide with my own or may be completely different. It makes no difference to me as part of the enjoyment of life is learning and connecting with others and discovering what makes us all unique. :)

It's good to meet you.
Hello and welcome to PSLS Hybrid Extreme, my fellow "old timer" gamer to the north! (I'm in Michigan) I like maple syrup but prefer whiskey over beer. My favorite brand is Crown Royal of course!

I also enjoy just about every genre of games with the exception of sports, of which I suck. Racing is by far my favorite sport though, specifically sports car endurance, and I usually play just about every racing game that comes out for the gaming machines I own.

As far as other hobbies, its mostly 3D modeling which I've been doing since my teen years, and texture painting, which I am a complete amateur at. I like building racetracks for racing simulators like rFactor GSC Extreme or GTR2. Hopefully I'll eventually learn how to make (or convert) tracks for rFactor 2 and Assetto Corsa.

My PSN id is: Shawdad if you want to add me. I play on PS3 and PS4. I don't normally play a ton online, but when I happen to find a game I really like I do. ie Destiny
Nice to meet you, Giovanni! You sound like an incredibly awesome person IRL. I'll look forward to seeing more of your posts here on the PSLS forums!

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