Golden Week Sales Celebrates Japanese Games

I'll probably get Dragon Ball Z, Muramasa Rebirth and Chrono Trigger. I'm not the biggest stealth fan so I'll probably pass on MGS collection. The Atelier games are very tempting though. Shame they didn't get a physical release.
Given that I still have barely touched the games I just picked up on sale, not sure if I should this time around. But, I am looking at:

Chrono Cross/Trigger
Muramasa Rebirth
I just wish that version of Chrono Trigger didn't come with the horrible lag that plagued the PSX version. Amazing game, kinda slowed down a little by those lag times. :(
But, if there's no other way to play, it still delivers, especially on portable.
I still don't get the Persona craze. Can someone sell me on it?
Fantastic story, dungeon crawling, dating / friend sim aspects, Pokemon-like demon collecting and fusing, amazing music and voice acting (this is all P4G, but many of these points apply to older titles as well).
I just wish that version of Chrono Trigger didn't come with the horrible lag that plagued the PSX version. Amazing game, kinda slowed down a little by those lag times. :(
But, if there's no other way to play, it still delivers, especially on portable.
Chrono Trigger was one of the games I was eyeing in this sale too. Thanks for the heads up. I've heard good things about it but is the lag game-breaking? Where does the lag kick in?
Chrono Trigger was one of the games I was eyeing in this sale too. Thanks for the heads up. I've heard good things about it but is the lag game-breaking? Where does the lag kick in?
When you enter/exit towns, it's a black screen for, if I recall correctly, about 10 seconds. Entering/exiting buildings or changing screens in a dungeon has a similar wait time, though it might not be as severe. I'd need to load it back up and check. Opening the menu screen took a while, too. That was probably the worst offender, ugh.

There was also a little hangup before and after battles. If you've played the Super Nintendo version ever, that might drive you bonkers, but if not, maybe that can be a case of ignorance being bliss?

Super Nintendo and the DS are the definitive ways to play Chrono Trigger. I wouldn't call the persistent lag in the PSOne Classic version game BREAKing necessarily, but it hurts (more if you've played the original or DS version). It slows the game down, and when that happens, it can diminish one's drive to finish it.
When you enter/exit towns, it's a black screen for, if I recall correctly, about 10 seconds. Entering/exiting buildings or changing screens in a dungeon has a similar wait time, though it might not be as severe. I'd need to load it back up and check. Opening the menu screen took a while, too. That was probably the worst offender, ugh.

There was also a little hangup before and after battles. If you've played the Super Nintendo version ever, that might drive you bonkers, but if not, maybe that can be a case of ignorance being bliss?

Super Nintendo and the DS are the definitive ways to play Chrono Trigger. I wouldn't call the persistent lag in the PSOne Classic version game BREAKing necessarily, but it hurts (more if you've played the original or DS version). It slows the game down, and when that happens, it can diminish one's drive to finish it.
With my lack of patience now a days, the hangups would kill my drive. I'll probably still pick it up. Just wont be as quick to get to it. It'll just hang out in my ever growing backlog.
Agreed. Makes my wallet hurt :(
Pretty much this.

I will have to limit myself. But Im tempted for Tales of Symphonia Chronicles just to I dont have to open up the awesome Collectors Edition. (I have problems o_O)

Also plan on grabbing Chrono Trigger/Cross since they haven't been on sale in forever. And maybe something else.

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