Ghostbusters 3???

Would You Want A Ghostbusters 3 Game

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PSLS Level: Newbie
So i was reading some stuff on the good old interweb today and saw that Ghostbusters3 may be an open world game like GTA.... Form what I gathered the movie is still moving on after the death of Harold "Egon" Ramis. The voice acting wont be original cast voices to more then likely keep costs down. I think this game would be well worth the time to make it happen! What do you think?
I voted yes, even though I really worry about them being able to pull it off..though open world would really suit the game well I think.
I voted yes, even though I really worry about them being able to pull it off..though open world would really suit the game well I think.

I agree, I was thinking the same thing being able to just run around a grab ghosts, goblins and so on. So i think the story line could go very well or down like a flaming pile of poo.
Basically if they made a Ghostbusters game, I'd want it to be like a sub group starting up in another city. Have email correspondence, maybe have some voice acting from original casts,

The benefit of a new city is that they can make up a city and let you do what ever you want. You'd have to get your reputation up, choose where to build the facility, and the game could have you become governor and let you manage some aspects of the city. It wouldn't be horribly complicated, but basically the more you expand the city, the more unmarked graves you defile, the more hauntings, not dealing with the hauntings will make the city a ghost town...

You'd have a standard Story progression, but everyone would have a different intimate experience. You'd be proud of how big your city is. If you wanted to, you could resign from the governor ship or not apply for the governor position, and it would expand sort of neutrally. Bare minimum to have a good experience or to balance out your mistakes.

Reason why you'd add this Mayoral/Gubernatorial position is basically to make sure that it adds a sense of depth, replayability, longevity, and most importantly, something to learn for power gamers.
Basically if they made a Ghostbusters game, I'd want it to be like a sub group starting up in another city. Have email correspondence, maybe have some voice acting from original casts,

The benefit of a new city is that they can make up a city and let you do what ever you want. You'd have to get your reputation up, choose where to build the facility, and the game could have you become governor and let you manage some aspects of the city. It wouldn't be horribly complicated, but basically the more you expand the city, the more unmarked graves you defile, the more hauntings, not dealing with the hauntings will make the city a ghost town...

You'd have a standard Story progression, but everyone would have a different intimate experience. You'd be proud of how big your city is. If you wanted to, you could resign from the governor ship or not apply for the governor position, and it would expand sort of neutrally. Bare minimum to have a good experience or to balance out your mistakes.

Reason why you'd add this Mayoral/Gubernatorial position is basically to make sure that it adds a sense of depth, replayability, longevity, and most importantly, something to learn for power gamers.
I would buy this game. MAKE IT NOW!!!

But I voted yes, the Ghostbusters movies are definitely some of my favorite movies, so I would love another game. An open world game would add more to the game IMO.
I would buy this game. MAKE IT NOW!!!

But I voted yes, the Ghostbusters movies are definitely some of my favorite movies, so I would love another game. An open world game would add more to the game IMO.

how could a person NOT like the ghostbusters movies?
how could a person NOT like the ghostbusters movies?
I'm sure these people exist....... And this awaits.......

Holy crap, I didn't know Harold Ramis died. I loved Ghostbusters but I'm a bit leery of movie inspired games.
I would buy this game. MAKE IT NOW!!!

But I voted yes, the Ghostbusters movies are definitely some of my favorite movies, so I would love another game. An open world game would add more to the game IMO.
Get me an interview as a game producer or lead mechanics leader, and I'll get to work on as many amazing games as they'll let me.

I'm cheap they should jump at the chance.
I very much enjoyed the last Ghost Busters game. I would like the idea of an open world game if they could pull of a unique game an not just another GTA clone.
Man Ghostbusters practically invented the open world game concept, and last time I remember playing I remember thinking it was a terrible game.

Thankfully I really liked the last one on the PS3 that was meant to serve as the movie that was probably not going to be made. I will vote yes, but it will most likely be one of those guilty pleasures where I hate telling people I liked it because it was just so bad.
There's also the task of getting the right studio to do the game.

Crap company = crap game
Good company = good game

I.e. High moon (though they had limited founds and used a small team) pulled off the perfect deadpool game.

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