Gaming Journalism


PSLS Level: Bronze
So hey guys, i've been gone all summer since i'm been busy with work and other stuff, but I'm here to make a return because of the whole Zoe Quinn scandal. If you haven't heard I suggest you look it up and read up on it, since its some pretty serious stuff.

Anyway, reason I bring this up now is because I'm reminded how Sebastian himself would constantly talk and have a lot to say about gaming journalism and all the problems in it, and this is kind of hitting the fan.

I'm just curious on listening to what you guys have to say about this issue and gaming journalism in general, i feel PSLS has always been pretty good about not following trends other websites have set up, so i'd love to hear what everyone has to say.

I'm speechless, from all sides of this. Her side of things. The people who bought into this. And the coverage of this. So many opinions from all directions, and NONE of it actually helps games. We are GAMES journalists, ffs.
I am reading through a post or two so I don't the whole story but if this is all true, then I think Kotaku should be held accountable, the writer should be fired, and she should have something brought against her. We keep demanding that people taking the gaming industry and it's writers serious, yet we do very little to help our cause.
I also find it a bit ridiculous, I'm more surprised people seem to be censoring everywhere this tends to appear, Any thoughts on if this will be a big blow to gaming journalism, or actually improve it after this is all over? I'm sure many jobs and credibility will be lost on some of the bigger sites.
From what I have read about this situation just disgusts me. Even if this story is half true it is still unbelievable that people would have such little integrity. Journalistic integrity is few and far between, but personal integrity is something everyone should strive for. To use your body to benefit yourself is prostitution and for her to act like the victim is pathetic. I read her statement claiming that this is a personal matter and has nothing to do with games. I call bullshit on that.
From what I have read about this situation just disgusts me. Even if this story is half true it is still unbelievable that people would have such little integrity. Journalistic integrity is few and far between, but personal integrity is something everyone should strive for. To use your body to benefit yourself is prostitution and for her to act like the victim is pathetic. I read her statement claiming that this is a personal matter and has nothing to do with games. I call bullshit on that.

If this personal matter helped her games get better scores, then I would say it is no longer a personal matter and needs to be handled.
If this personal matter helped her games get better scores, then I would say it is no longer a personal matter and needs to be handled.
I can't believe anyone would actually give her game a legitimate good review. The game plays like a choose your own adventure book with lots of self loathing. If there were some sort of animation to go along with the text and not just shitty attempts at photography, I could see it getting some mediocre reviews. Clearly she has done all of this in an attempt to get coverage of her game, even if it is in a negative light.
I can't believe anyone would actually give her game a legitimate good review. The game plays like a choose your own adventure book with lots of self loathing. If there were some sort of animation to go along with the text and not just shitty attempts at photography, I could see it getting some mediocre reviews. Clearly she has done all of this in an attempt to get coverage of her game, even if it is in a negative light.

Well what is the saying.. "Any press is good press"
Still sounds to outragous and far fetched. One thing i don't like about journalism much, you can never tell what's 100% true and what isn't. That's why i never became a journalist.
I read her statement claiming that this is a personal matter and has nothing to do with games. I call bullshit on that.
You're absolutely right, and a large majority of the internet hate machine currently caught up in this shitstorm seems to be missing this point. Too many people are busy are interpreting this as a slut-shaming (god, tumblr just loves that fucking phrase, don't they?) campaign, when the true issue lies with the industry people who Zoe has ties with. The fact still remains that the success of Zoe's "game" can at least partially be attributed to some of these relationships she's kept, and these people who are directly implicated are still able to spin the issue in the opposite direction.

The more that these "raiding" idiots keep misinterpreting the situation, the easier it is for Kotaku/Polygon/The Escapist/etc. to push the issue under the rug and completely get away with such an obvious and disgusting shows of nepotism. This all goes far beyond Zoe, and not enough people seem to understand that. Unfortunately when the media isn't willing to take a consumer stance on an issue, the consumers have to be left on their own devices... and that's when everything spins out of control.
How messed up is it that the only objective post that I've found about this (I knew nothing about it before this morning) is from Know Your Meme?

Edit: I really miss Sebastian when it comes to these types of subjects.

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