Game Company: who's your favorite and who isn't?

Studios I love:

  • Sucker Punch is my absolute favorite studio. I'm a huge Sly Cooper & Infamous fan. I will eat out of their damn garbage!:p
  • Naughty Dog is another. The Last of Us is my favorite game of all time and I loved the Uncharted games. I was a huge fan of Jak & Daxter. Wasn't very fond of Jak II & 3 but I liked them.
  • Sony Japan is a great studio. I loved the hell out of Gravity Rush (Favorite Vita game), Puppeteer,Rain, Ico, & Shadow of the Colossus. I have yet to play Knack but I will soon, I love platformers. Hopefully we see The Last Guardian and Gravity Rush 2 soon.
  • Rockstar because duh.
I wouldn't really say I hate any studios but Activision is pretty shit. Call of Duty 4, CoD: World at War, Singularity, Transformers: War/Fall for/of Cybertron and Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions were all like 7.5 (Out of 10) games besides CoD4 because that game was so damn good. They have so much money and the games they put out are crap or just slightly good.

7.5 is crap or only marginally good? 7.5 is a pretty awesome score to me! Going to agree with you there though. Activision is probably my most hated company. Although I very much enjoyed the War for and Fall of Cybertron. And Destiny is looking awesome. But I attribute that to Bungie moreso than Activision. As far as I'm concerned Activision has the wallet and Bungie has the reigns.
I've been liking Ubisoft more and more. Granted not my favorite company overall, but definitely one of my top choices.
I really like Telltale right now - I like that a good story is central to their games. I love Rocksteady for giving us a truly great comic book based game. I'm going to miss Irrational Games, in its current form anyway (I hope their new direction works for them). I hope that Insomniac gets their crap together, following Fuse, because they've given me so many great gaming moments. I also always pull for DoubleFine and whatever project they are working on. Drinkbox is great! Finally, I think United Front is awesome, and I am so happy they are doing Sleeping Dogs 2.

As for who grinds my gears, I don't like Valve/Gabe Newell at all - very pompous and self-righteous in my opinion. Without Steam, I don't think they would have survived as just a game developer. Mojang bugs me too - not really sure why, but they rub me the wrong way. Respawn too - not crazy about them.
7.5 is crap or only marginally good? 7.5 is a pretty awesome score to me! Going to agree with you there though. Activision is probably my most hated company. Although I very much enjoyed the War for and Fall of Cybertron. And Destiny is looking awesome. But I attribute that to Bungie moreso than Activision. As far as I'm concerned Activision has the wallet and Bungie has the reigns.
My post seems a tad off reading it now. I think the Cybertron games are great! What I mean is that those games I said above were never worth full price. So you can take out the "slightly" and just say good. I'm not one of those people who looks at a game that got a 7 and thinks it complete shit. Mirrors Edge was packed with 7's and that's one of my favorite games from last gen! But yeah, their current lineup of games are awful. Another Skylanders=I don't care. New Transformers is a movie tie-in/sequel to Cybertron and it's not even from High Moon, the trailers look like complete cow poo. Speaking of High Moon, they're rumored to be working on the PS3/360 CoD this year, ridiculous! I was watching a stream of The Amazing Spider-Man 2 and that thing looks like a PS3 game from 2007/2008. It looks horrible. You're right, Destiny is the only good thing coming from Activision and that's because of Bungie. Actvision=big pile of dragon dookie.
I was watching a stream of The Amazing Spider-Man 2 and that thing looks like a PS3 game from 2007/2008. It looks horrible. You're right, Destiny is the only good thing coming from Activision and that's because of Bungie. Actvision=big pile of dragon dookie.
Blizzard is the big saving grace of Activision. If Destiny does well, maybe we'll get to see them pull that talent into non-MMOs. I would love a single player WoW-type game.

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