Free MP-412 REX Revolver


PSLS Level: Newbie
So i just did this got my code not sure if any one else has seen this yet but its being put on by Monster Energy Drinks. So all you do is send an SMS to 89800 with the text “watchdogs,” and then click this link and enter the info on the left hand side. I filled out the right side to for the sweepstakes, But only one problem you have to be a US resident to enter.
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Skip the text message and just go here and use the code 2L4K-7KK5-HFM9 and fill out the rest.

I can't specify enough that it's US only. Seeing a lot of people saying 'the code it gives me doesn't work,' well that would be because they're trying to use the code on a non-US account.
you get the code after you put in the sms text? and then my guess is once the game is launched you input the code and boom...?.?. lol FREE GUN BROO!!!!

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